Monday, 18 February 2013


हिंदुत्व से बढ़कर कोई धर्म नहीं"गौ गीता गंगा और गायत्री

मनुष्य की लोभ प्रवर्ती

स्वर्ग के देवता इंद्र के पास एक व्यक्ति भिक्षा मांगने आता है. इंद्र कुबेर को आज्ञा देते हैं- यह व्यक्ति बहुत गरीब है, इसको खूब सारा धन देकर, संतुष्ट कर ही वापस करना.

कुबेर उस व्यक्ति से कहता है-हे भाग्यवान तुम्हारी जो इच्छा हो, वही मांग लो.
वह गरीब व्यक्ति अपनी झोली में से एक पात्र निकाल कर कुबेर के सामने कर देता है, आप मेरे इस छोटे से पात्र को ही अपनी कीमती वस्तुओं से भर दीजिए. कुबेर ने मन ही मन सोचा, इतना छोटा - सा पात्र, इसमें दान डालना धनपति कुबेर को शोभा नहीं देता. उन्होंने याचक से कहा, कोई बड़ा पात्र ले आओ, यह तो बहुत छोटा है.

याचक ने कहा, मुझे इतनी ही संपत्ति की आवश्यकता है, इससे ज्यादा की नहीं. कुबेर उस पात्र को भरना शुरू करते हैं, लेकिन आश्चर्य में पड़ जाते हैं. स्वर्ग की समूची संपदा डालने पर भी वह पात्र भरता नहीं, खाली बना रहता है. तब वे अपने स्वामी इंद्र के पास जाते हैं और उन्हें सारी बातें सुनाते हैं. देवेंद्र भी उस भिखारी के पात्र के बारे में सुन कर हैरान हो जाते हैं.

फिर वे दोनों उस भिखारी से पूछते हैं, हे सज्जन आपका यह पात्र किस चीज से बना है, कृपा कर हमें भी बताएं. तब वह भिखारी बताता है, हे स्वर्ग की संपत्ति के स्वामी, यह पात्र मनुष्य की खोपड़ी से बना हुआ है. इस खोपड़ी में कितनी भी संपत्ति भर दो, यह खाली ही रहती है. यह लोभ, तृष्णा और आकांक्षाओं से भरी हुई है. इनको मिटाना और इनको भरना अत्यंत कठिन है.

देवेंद्र और कुबेर ने उससे माफी मांगते हुए कहा, हम आपके इस पात्र को भर नहीं पाए, इसके लिए हमें क्षमा कर दीजिए. इसके बाद देवेंद्र ने फिर कहा, यदि एक मनुष्य की आकांक्षा और तृष्णा का पात्र इतना बड़ा है, तो सभी मनुष्यों की तृष्णा को शांत करना तो असंभव है. अत: संतोष ही धारण करना चाहिए.
मनुष्य हमेशा लालच करता है.यह लालच हमारे आध्यात्मिक गुणों को नुकसान पहुंचाता है. लोभ से तृष्णा की उत्पत्ति होती है और वह अग्नि के समान है. जैसे अग्नि में ईंधन डालते हैं तब वह और प्रज्वलित होती है. ऐसे ही लोभी कभी खुद को शांत नहीं कर सकते. उसे जितना मिलता जाए, उसकी लालसा उतनी ही बढ़ती जाती है. कहावत है,'लोभ सभी पापों का बाप है. 'लोभी व्यक्ति हमेशा अशांत रहता है. हर वक्त कुछ न कुछ हासिल करने की उधेड़बुन में लगा रहता है. वह स्वयं भी अशांत रहता है, औरों को भी अशांत कर देता है.
लेकिन संतोष शाश्वत धन है. इसके सामने दुनिया की बाकी सारी संपदाएं बौनी पड़ जाती हैं. इसीलिए संतोषी व्यक्ति सदा सुखी रहता है. कपाल पात्र कभी भरता नहीं है. मनुष्य की खोपड़ी तो चिकनी भी है और उल्टी भी है. ऐसी सीधी खोपड़ी पर कुछ डालो तो बाहर निकल जाता है. और उलटी खोपड़ी पर डालो तो वह खाली रह जाता है. अत: सत् पुरुषों को सदा संतोष धन ही धारण करना चाहिए. इससे बढ़ कर कोई धन नहीं है.

लेकिन एक बार फिर यही सच कहना चाहता हूँ
संतोष क्या है ?
शाश्वत धन क्या है ?
कैसे हम काम,क्रोध,लोभ,मोह और अहंकार के पंचजाल से बचें ?

इसके निवारण लिये हमे एक मार्ग अपनाना पड़ेगा और वो मार्ग है --भक्ति मार्ग अध्यात्म मार्ग--
Jai Parshuram Ji


एक दिन कोई फल बेचने वाली आयी नन्दभवन के सामने से गुजरने लगी पुकार रही थी फल ले लो फल! यह सुनते ही समस्त कर्मो और उपासनाओ के फल देने वाले भगवान अच्युत ने सोचा फल देने वाला तो में हूँ, ये कौन है? जो फल दे रही है, फल खरीदने के लिए भगवान भवन के आँगन में आये और फलवाली को बुलाया.

फल वाली ने कहाँ - लाला! जाओ, फल के बदले में कुछ वस्तु ले आओ, भगवान झट अंदर गये और अपनी छोटी-सी अँजुली में अनाज लेकर दौड पड़े. उनकी अँजुली में से सारा अनाज तो रास्ते में ही गिर गया जब वे फलवाली के पास पहुँचे, तो दो-तीन दाने ही अनाज के बचे थे.

फल वेचनेवाली ने कहा – लाला क्या वस्तु लाए ?

भगवान ने अँजुली खोल कहा – ये इतना ही अनाज है बाकि तो रास्ते में गिर गया.

फल वाली भगवान की मोहिनी छवि देखकर,बस उन्हें देखते ही रह गयी. उसने सारे फल भगवान को दे दिये. भगवान ने भी उसकी फल की टोकरी रत्नों से भर दी .


इस कथा में भगवान मानो यह बता रहे है कि अपने कर्म रूपी फल मुझे समर्पित कर देने पर में उस कर्म से मुक्ति दे देता हूँ इसलिए भक्त को अपने समस्त कर्म भगवान को समार्पित कर देना चाहिये.
एक दिन कोई फल बेचने वाली आयी नन्दभवन के सामने से गुजरने लगी पुकार रही थी फल ले लो फल! यह सुनते ही समस्त कर्मो और उपासनाओ के फल देने वाले भगवान अच्युत ने सोचा फल देने वाला तो में हूँ, ये कौन है? जो फल दे रही है, फल खरीदने के लिए भगवान भवन के आँगन में आये और फलवाली को बुलाया.

फल वाली ने कहाँ - लाला! जाओ, फल के बदले में कुछ वस्तु ले आओ, भगवान झट अंदर गये और अपनी छोटी-सी अँजुली में अनाज लेकर दौड पड़े. उनकी अँजुली में से सारा अनाज तो रास्ते में ही गिर गया जब वे फलवाली के पास पहुँचे, तो दो-तीन दाने ही अनाज के बचे थे.

फल वेचनेवाली ने कहा – लाला क्या वस्तु लाए ?

भगवान ने अँजुली खोल कहा – ये इतना ही अनाज है बाकि तो रास्ते में गिर गया.

फल वाली भगवान की मोहिनी छवि देखकर,बस उन्हें देखते ही रह गयी. उसने सारे फल भगवान को दे दिये. भगवान ने भी उसकी फल की टोकरी रत्नों से भर दी .


इस कथा में भगवान मानो यह बता रहे है कि अपने कर्म रूपी फल मुझे समर्पित कर देने पर में उस कर्म से मुक्ति दे देता हूँ इसलिए भक्त को अपने समस्त कर्म भगवान को समार्पित कर देना चाहिये.


‎~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~


Chandra is an Indian or Hindi word for the planet moon. According to Hinduism, Chandra is a Vedic Lunar Deity and is identified with Soma. The juice or sap in the plants is called Soma. Thus for this reason Moon is considered the lord of plants.

The word Soma is still used synonymously with an entheogenic brew which is widely drank in ceremonies.

Chandra is godly character who is young, beautiful, fair; have two-arms and is holding a club in his one hand whereas lotus in the other. His chariot (the moon) is pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is also one of the gods of fertility. Chandra is in charge of Somvar or Monday.

He father Budha, (Mercury). Rohini, Anuradha and Bharani, of the 27 Nakshatras (constellations) are his consort.

Chandra is responsible for emotions, sensitivity, softness, imagination, queen and mother.

Vedic astrology believes that Chandra rules Karka (Cancer), while he is high in Vrishabha (Taurus) and in low in Vrishchika (Scorpio). When Chandra is in its waxing moon it will be benefic else if in the waning moon is considered to be malefic. Chandra is lord of Rohini, Hasta and Shravana nakshatras.

Color : white
Metal : silver
Gemstones : pearl and moonstone
Element : water
Direction : north-west
Season : winter
Food Grain : Rice

Chandra represents brain and mind

Rajanipati-lord of the night
Kshuparaka-one who illuminates the night
Indu-The bright drop

“Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah”

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the glorious son of milk, the glowing Moon. May that Chandra, the essence of nectar, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe
Amrithathvaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on the son of milk,
Oh, essence of nectar, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe
Hema roopaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on God who has lotus in his flag,
Oh, God of golden colour, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

"Dadhishamkha tusharaabham ksheero daarnava sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam Shambor Mukuta Bhooshanam"

~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~
~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~


Chandra is an Indian or Hindi word for the planet moon. According to Hinduism, Chandra is a Vedic Lunar Deity and is identified with Soma. The juice or sap in the plants is called Soma. Thus for this reason Moon is considered the lord of plants.

The word Soma is still used synonymously with an entheogenic brew which is widely drank in ceremonies.

Chandra is godly character who is young, beautiful, fair; have two-arms and is holding a club in his one hand whereas lotus in the other. His chariot (the moon) is pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is also one of the gods of fertility. Chandra is in charge of Somvar or Monday.

He father Budha, (Mercury). Rohini, Anuradha and Bharani, of the 27 Nakshatras (constellations) are his consort.

Chandra is responsible for emotions, sensitivity, softness, imagination, queen and mother. 

Vedic astrology believes that Chandra rules Karka (Cancer), while he is high in Vrishabha (Taurus) and in low in Vrishchika (Scorpio). When Chandra is in its waxing moon it will be benefic else if in the waning moon is considered to be malefic. Chandra is lord of Rohini, Hasta and Shravana nakshatras.

Color : white
Metal : silver
Gemstones : pearl and moonstone
Element : water
Direction : north-west
Season : winter
Food Grain : Rice

Chandra represents brain and mind 

Rajanipati-lord of the night
Kshuparaka-one who illuminates the night
Indu-The bright drop 

“Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah”

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the glorious son of milk, the glowing Moon. May that Chandra, the essence of nectar, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe
Amrithathvaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on the son of milk,
Oh, essence of nectar, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe
Hema roopaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on God who has lotus in his flag,
Oh, God of golden colour, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

"Dadhishamkha tusharaabham ksheero daarnava sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam Shambor Mukuta Bhooshanam"

~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~

Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy

‎~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~


Chandra is an Indian or Hindi word for the planet moon. According to Hinduism, Chandra is a Vedic Lunar Deity and is identified with Soma. The juice or sap in the plants is called Soma. Thus for this reason Moon is considered the lord of plants.

The word Soma is still used synonymously with an entheogenic brew which is widely drank in ceremonies.

Chandra is godly character who is young, beautiful, fair; have two-arms and is holding a club in his one hand whereas lotus in the other. His chariot (the moon) is pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is also one of the gods of fertility. Chandra is in charge of Somvar or Monday.

He father Budha, (Mercury). Rohini, Anuradha and Bharani, of the 27 Nakshatras (constellations) are his consort.

Chandra is responsible for emotions, sensitivity, softness, imagination, queen and mother.

Vedic astrology believes that Chandra rules Karka (Cancer), while he is high in Vrishabha (Taurus) and in low in Vrishchika (Scorpio). When Chandra is in its waxing moon it will be benefic else if in the waning moon is considered to be malefic. Chandra is lord of Rohini, Hasta and Shravana nakshatras.

Color : white
Metal : silver
Gemstones : pearl and moonstone
Element : water
Direction : north-west
Season : winter
Food Grain : Rice

Chandra represents brain and mind

Rajanipati-lord of the night
Kshuparaka-one who illuminates the night
Indu-The bright drop

“Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah”

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the glorious son of milk, the glowing Moon. May that Chandra, the essence of nectar, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe
Amrithathvaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on the son of milk,
Oh, essence of nectar, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe
Hema roopaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on God who has lotus in his flag,
Oh, God of golden colour, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

"Dadhishamkha tusharaabham ksheero daarnava sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam Shambor Mukuta Bhooshanam"

~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy~~
~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~


Chandra is an Indian or Hindi word for the planet moon. According to Hinduism, Chandra is a Vedic Lunar Deity and is identified with Soma. The juice or sap in the plants is called Soma. Thus for this reason Moon is considered the lord of plants.

The word Soma is still used synonymously with an entheogenic brew which is widely drank in ceremonies.

Chandra is godly character who is young, beautiful, fair; have two-arms and is holding a club in his one hand whereas lotus in the other. His chariot (the moon) is pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is also one of the gods of fertility. Chandra is in charge of Somvar or Monday.

He father Budha, (Mercury). Rohini, Anuradha and Bharani, of the 27 Nakshatras (constellations) are his consort.

Chandra is responsible for emotions, sensitivity, softness, imagination, queen and mother. 

Vedic astrology believes that Chandra rules Karka (Cancer), while he is high in Vrishabha (Taurus) and in low in Vrishchika (Scorpio). When Chandra is in its waxing moon it will be benefic else if in the waning moon is considered to be malefic. Chandra is lord of Rohini, Hasta and Shravana nakshatras.

Color : white
Metal : silver
Gemstones : pearl and moonstone
Element : water
Direction : north-west
Season : winter
Food Grain : Rice

Chandra represents brain and mind 

Rajanipati-lord of the night
Kshuparaka-one who illuminates the night
Indu-The bright drop 

“Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah”

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the glorious son of milk, the glowing Moon. May that Chandra, the essence of nectar, inspire and illumine our mind and understanding.”

Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe
Amrithathvaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on the son of milk,
Oh, essence of nectar, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe
Hema roopaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.

Translation: Om, Let me meditate on God who has lotus in his flag,
Oh, God of golden colour, give me higher intellect,
And let moon God illuminate my mind.

"Dadhishamkha tusharaabham ksheero daarnava sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam Shambor Mukuta Bhooshanam"

~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~@[260145507424833:274:Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy]~~

Sunday, 17 February 2013

parable of the weaver woman

parable of the weaver woman

Sri Ramakrishna :
"Listen to a story. Once a woman went to see her weaver friend. The weaver, who had been spinning different kinds of silk thread, was very happy to see her friend and said to her: 'Friend, I can't tell you how happy I am to

see you. Let me get you some refreshments.' She left the room.

The woman looked at the threads of different colours and was tempted. She hid a bundle of thread under one arm. The weaver returned presently with the refreshments and began to feed her guest with great enthusiasm. But, looking at the thread, she realized that her friend had taken a bundle.

Hitting upon a plan to get it back, she said: 'Friend, it is so long since I have seen you. This is a day of great joy for me. I feel very much like asking you to dance with me.' The friend said, 'Sister, I am feeling very happy too.' So the two friends began to dance together. When the weaver saw that her friend danced without raising her hands, she said: 'Friend, let us dance with both hands raised. This is a day of great joy.'

But the guest pressed one arm to her side and danced raising only the other. The weaver said: 'How is this, friend? Why should you dance with only one hand raised? Dance with me raising both hands. Look at me. See how I dance with both hands raised.' But the guest still pressed one arm to her side. She danced with the other hand raised and said with a smile, 'This is all I know of dancing.' "

The Sri Ramakrishna continued: "I don't press my arm to my side. Both my hands are free. I am not afraid of anything. I accept both the Nitya and the Lila, both the Absolute and the Relative.

Source: from book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"

Sri Ramakrishna - Importance of Scriptures, Books

Sri Ramakrishna - Importance of Scriptures, Books

Sri Ramakrishna (with a smile): "Do you know my attitude? Books, scriptures, and things like that only point out the way to reach God. After finding the way, what more need is there of books and scriptures? Then comes the time for action.

"A man received a letter from home informing him that certain presents were to be sent to his relatives. The names of the articles were given in the letter. As he was about to go shopping for them, he found that the letter was missing. He began anxiously to search for it, several others joining in the search. For a long time they continued to search. When at last the letter was discovered, his joy knew no bounds.

With great eagerness he opened the letter and read it. It said that he was to buy five seers of sweets, a piece of cloth, and a few other things. Then he did not need the letter any more, for it had served its purpose. Putting it aside, he went out to buy the things. How long is such a letter necessary? As long as its contents are not known. When the contents are known one proceeds to carry out the directions.

"In the scriptures you will find the way to realize God. But after getting all the information about the path, you must begin to work. Only then can you attain your goal.

"What will it avail a man to have mere scholarship? A pundit may have studied many scriptures, he may recite many sacred texts, but if he is still attached to the world and if inwardly he loves 'woman and gold', then he has not assimilated the contents of the scriptures. For such a man the study of scriptures is futile.

"The almanac forecasts the rainfall tor the year. You may squeeze the book, but you won't get a drop of water — not even a single drop." (Laughter.)

Source: from book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"

सनातन धर्म एक ही धर्म

‎"काम रति का गुणगान न करो ,प्रमाद में मत जियो ,ध्यान में रत अप्रमादी जन विपुल सुख को प्राप्त होते हैं" !

"काम रति का गुणगान न करो" लोग जिसका गुणगान करते हैं उसके प्रति आकर्षित होते चले जाते हैं !
अपनी ही कही बात सच मालूम होने लगती है ! तुम्हारा मन तुम्हारे अवचेतन मन को सुझाव भेजने लगता है,यही आत्म सम्मोहन है !
देह के लिए भोजन और जल दोनों ही महत्वपूर्ण है ,काम की तरह! लोग भोजन और जल का गुणगान नहीं करते, काम का करते हैं ,लोगो ने काम को बहुत अधिक मूल्य दे कर ,अपने मार्ग का कंटक बना लिया है,और दूसरों को भी उसको महत्व देने को राजी करने में प्रयास रत हैं !
महागुरु और बुद्ध दोनों की देशना-काम उर्जा के उधर्वगमन से समाधि और समाधि से सम्भोग ,जिसे बुद्ध आमानुषी रति कहते हैं ,के पक्छ में है !

"प्रमाद में मत जियो" प्रमाद का अर्थ होता है जानते हुए ,समझते हुए,विपरीत आचरण करना !
आग जलाती है ,ये जानते हुए भी उसमे हाँथ दे देना ! जारी .....
"काम रति का गुणगान न करो ,प्रमाद में मत जियो ,ध्यान में रत अप्रमादी जन विपुल सुख को प्राप्त होते हैं" !

"काम रति का गुणगान न करो" लोग जिसका गुणगान करते हैं उसके प्रति आकर्षित होते चले जाते हैं !
अपनी ही कही बात सच मालूम होने लगती है ! तुम्हारा मन तुम्हारे अवचेतन मन को सुझाव भेजने लगता है,यही आत्म सम्मोहन है ! 
देह के लिए भोजन और जल दोनों ही महत्वपूर्ण है ,काम की तरह! लोग भोजन और जल का गुणगान नहीं करते, काम का करते हैं ,लोगो ने काम को बहुत अधिक मूल्य दे कर ,अपने मार्ग का कंटक बना लिया है,और दूसरों को भी उसको महत्व देने को राजी करने में प्रयास रत हैं !
महागुरु और बुद्ध दोनों की देशना-काम उर्जा के उधर्वगमन से समाधि और समाधि से सम्भोग ,जिसे बुद्ध आमानुषी रति कहते हैं ,के पक्छ में है !

"प्रमाद में मत जियो" प्रमाद का अर्थ होता है जानते हुए ,समझते हुए,विपरीत आचरण करना ! 
आग जलाती है ,ये जानते हुए भी उसमे हाँथ दे देना ! जारी .....

Sri Ramakrishna Sayings - Parable of the fish and net

Sri Ramakrishna Sayings - Parable of the fish and net

Sri Ramakrishna: "This world is like a fishing-net. Men are the fish, and God, whose maya has created this world, is the fisherman. When the fish are entangled in the net, some of them try to tear through its meshes in order to get their liberation. They are like the men striving after liberation. But by no means all of them escape.

Only a few jump out of the net with a loud splash, and then people say, 'Ah! There goes a big one!' In like manner, three or four men attain liberation. Again, some fish are so careful by nature that they are never caught in the net; some beings of the everperfect class, like Narada, are never entangled in the meshes of worldliness. Most of the fish are trapped; but they are not conscious of the net and of their imminent death.

No sooner are they entangled than they run headlong, net and all, trying to hide themselves in the mud. They don't make the least effort to get free. On the contrary, they go deeper and deeper into the mud. These fish are like the bound men. They are still inside the net, but they think they are quite safe there.

A bound creature is immersed in worldliness, in 'woman and gold', having gone deep into the mire of degradation. But still he believes he is quite happy and secure. The liberated, and the seekers after liberation, look on the world as a deep well. They do not enjoy it. Therefore, after the attainment of Knowledge, the realization of God, some give up their bodies. But such a thing is rare indeed.

Source: from book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"

Parable of the false ascetic

Parable of the false ascetic

Sri Ramakrishna:
"One night a fisherman went into a garden and cast his net into the lake in order to steal some fish. The owner heard him and surrounded him with his servants. They brought lighted torches and began to search for him. In the mean time the fisherman smeared his body with ashes and sat under a tree, pretending to be a holy man.

The owner and his men searched a great deal but could not find the thief. All they saw was a holy man covered with ashes, meditating under a tree. The next day the news spread in the neighbourhood that a great sage was staying in the garden. People gathered there and saluted him with offerings of fruit, flowers, and sweets.

Many also offered silver and copper coins. 'How strange!' thought the fisherman. 'I am not a genuine holy man, and still people show such devotion to me. I shall certainly realize God if I become a true sadhu. There is no doubt about it.'
"If a mere pretence of religious life can bring such spiritual awakening, you can imagine the effect of real sadhana. In that state you will surely realize what is real and what is unreal. God alone is real, and the world is illusory."
Source: from book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"

" साईं "

पुरे देश में एक ही समय पर सभी स्थानों पर सूर्यनमस्कार यज्ञ हुआ संपन | पुरे देश भार में हर स्थान पर हजारो विद्यार्थियों ने सामूहिक सूर्यनमस्कार किया और स्वामी विवेकानंद जी को याद किया और संकल्प लिया उनके विचारों को अपने जीवन में उतारने का |

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★ Lotus feet of Sri Krishna-chandra ★
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“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”

:: SHUBH DIN ( GUD DAY ) :: _/|\_ ( NAMSTE G ) ::
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Jai SAi Ram Ji
Good Morning to all Sai devotee...!

koi na jaane tera bachpan ,saal poore solah tak , jag uddhar ke liye prakat

ho gaye gaanv shridi mein, datta jaise kiye guru anek ,kabir gopal aur jaaver,

lallan palan kiye thhey gopal ,satya e diksha poori dee, diksha siksha paakar

poori, sai baba ban gaye sai shri ram ban gaye sai iisu ban gaye, sai allah ban

gaye sai nanak ban gaye,sai jagat mein chha gaye,

aise baba jag mein aaye jin kee mahima koi na jaane.
Jai SAi Ram Ji 
Good Morning to all Sai devotee...!

koi na jaane tera bachpan ,saal poore solah tak , jag uddhar ke liye prakat

ho gaye gaanv shridi mein, datta jaise kiye guru anek ,kabir gopal aur jaaver,

lallan palan kiye thhey gopal ,satya e diksha poori dee, diksha siksha paakar

poori, sai baba ban gaye sai shri ram ban gaye sai iisu ban gaye, sai allah ban

gaye sai nanak ban gaye,sai jagat mein chha gaye,

aise baba jag mein aaye jin kee mahima koi na jaane.
प्रभु हम पे कृपा करना साईं बाबा तू हमेशा सबके साथ रहे..

_▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ श्री शिर्डी साईं बाबा ░▒▓█▇▅▃▂_
प्रभु हम पे कृपा करना @[223124424383702:1: साईं बाबा ]तू हमेशा सबके साथ रहे..

_▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ @[223124424383702:274:श्री शिर्डी साईं बाबा] ░▒▓█▇▅▃▂_
हम सब नेक है
सबका मालिक एक है ♥
हम सब नेक है 
सबका मालिक एक है <3
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★ Darshan Sri Sri Niwas Govinda ,Iskcon Banglore ★
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★ Chant Hare Krishna & Be Happy ★
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★ Darshan Sri Sri Niwas Govinda ,Iskcon Banglore ★
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“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” 

:: SHUBH DIN ( GUD DAY ) :: _/|\_ ( NAMSTE G ) ::
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Sadhu with Occult Power – Story Told By Sri Ramakrishna

Sadhu with Occult Power – Story Told By Sri Ramakrishna

Sadhu with occult power is a story told by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Once upon a time a sadhu acquired great occult powers. He was confused about his powers.  But he was a good man and had some austerities to his credit. To help him one day God, disguised as a holy man, came to him and said, ‘Revered sir, I have heard that you have great occult powers.’

The sadhu received the Holy Man cordially and offered him a seat. Just then an elephant passed by.

The Lord, in the disguise of the holy man, said to the sadhu, ‘Revered sir, can you kill this elephant if you like?’ The sadhu said, ‘Yes, it is possible.’ So saying, he took a pinch of dust, muttered some mantras over it, and threw it at the elephant. The beast struggled awhile in pain and then dropped dead.

The Lord said: ‘What power you have! You have killed the elephant!’ The sadhu

Again the Lord spoke: ‘Now can you revive the elephant?’ ‘That too is possible’, replied the sadhu. He threw another pinch of charmed dust at the beast. The elephant writhed about a little and came back to life.

Then the Lord said: ‘Wonderful is your power. But may I ask you one thing? You have killed the elephant and you have revived it. But what has that done for you? Do you feel uplifted by it? Has it enabled you to realize God?’ Saying this Lord vanished


Do you want peace?

Monir El-Shazly:
"Do you want peace? Forgiveness offers it.
Do you want happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world?
Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always?
Do you want a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that never can be hurt, a deep abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset?

Only forgiveness offers you that" - Jesus - "Course in Miracles"
Forgive, let go...and let God handle the details. Monir...

Yoga Vasishta on how to play your part in the world

Be outwardly active but inwardly inactive, outwardly a doer but inwardly a non-doer, and thus play your part in the world.

Abandon all desires inwardly, be free from attachments and latent impressions, do everything outwardly and thus play your part in world.

Adopt a comprehensive view, characterized by the abandonment of all objects of contemplation, live in your innate Self, liberated even while alive and thus play your part in the world.

Burn the forest of duality with the fire of the conviction, ‘I am the one Pure Consciousness’ and remain happy.