Showing posts with label Words of Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Words of Wisdom. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 May 2013

words of wisdom Sudhanshuji Maharaj

Love is the goal of life. Saints, seers and prophets of the world have spoken of love as the end and aim or goal of life. The Raslila of Sri Krishna is full of prem and divine mysteries. The stripping of clothes of gopis means peeling off and shedding the ego. Krishna has spread the message of love through his flute.
Tread the path of love, commune with god, and reach the eternal abode of love. This is your highest duty. You have taken this body to love, which alone is the goal of life.
Love is all pervading: True religion does not consist in ritualistic observances, baths and pilgrimages but in love all. Cosmic love is all embracing and all-inclusive.   
Sudhanshuji Maharaj

Saturday, 6 April 2013

सनातन धर्म एक ही धर्म

मनरूपी देह का नाम अन्तवाहक शरीर है वह संकल्परूप सब जीवों का आदि वपु है । उस संकल्प में जो दृढ़ आभास हुआ है उससे आधिभौतिक भासने लगा है और आदि स्वरूप का प्रमाद हुआ है । यह जगत् सब संकल्परूप है और स्वरूप के प्रमाद से पिण्डाकार भासता है । जैसे स्वप्नदेह का आकार आकाशरुप है उसमें पृथ्वी आदि तत्त्वों का अभाव होता है परन्तु अज्ञान से आधिभौतिकता भासती है सो मन ही का संसरना है वैसे ही यह जगत् है, मन के फुरने से भासता है । जहाँ मन है वहाँ दृश्य है और जहाँ दृश्य है वहाँ मन है । जब मन नष्ट हो तब दृश्य भी नष्ट हो ।

सनातन धर्म एक ही धर्म

शुद्ध बोधमात्र में जो दृश्य भासता है जब तक दृश्य भासता है तब तक मुक्त न होगा, जब दृश्यभ्रम नष्ट होगा तब शुद्ध बोध प्राप्त होगा । दृष्टा, दर्शन, दृश्य यह त्रिपुटी मन से भासती है । जैसे स्वप्न में त्रिपुटी भासती है और जब जाग उठा तब त्रिपुटी का अभाव हो जाता है और आप ही भासता है वैसे ही आत्मसत्ता में जागे हुए को अपना आप अद्वैत ही भासता है । जब तक शुद्ध बोध नहीं प्राप्त हुआ तब तक दृश्यभ्रम निवृत्त नहीं होता । वह बाह्य देखता है तो भी सृष्टि ही दृष्टि आती है, अन्तर देखेगा तो भी सृष्टि ही दृष्टि आती है, और उसको सत्य जानकर राग-द्वेष कल्पना ऊठती है । जब मन आत्मपद को प्राप्त होता है तब दृश्यभ्रम निवृत्त हो जाता है — with Manoj Sharma and 9 others.
शुद्ध बोधमात्र में जो दृश्य भासता है जब तक दृश्य भासता है तब तक मुक्त न होगा, जब दृश्यभ्रम नष्ट होगा तब शुद्ध बोध प्राप्त होगा ।  दृष्टा, दर्शन, दृश्य यह त्रिपुटी मन से भासती है । जैसे स्वप्न में त्रिपुटी भासती है और जब जाग उठा तब त्रिपुटी का अभाव हो जाता है और आप ही भासता है वैसे ही आत्मसत्ता में जागे हुए को अपना आप अद्वैत ही भासता है । जब तक शुद्ध बोध नहीं प्राप्त हुआ तब तक दृश्यभ्रम निवृत्त नहीं होता । वह बाह्य देखता है तो भी सृष्टि ही दृष्टि आती है, अन्तर देखेगा तो भी सृष्टि ही दृष्टि आती है, और उसको सत्य जानकर राग-द्वेष कल्पना ऊठती है । जब मन आत्मपद को प्राप्त होता है तब दृश्यभ्रम निवृत्त हो जाता है

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Swami Chinmayananda – On Cultivating Noble Thoughts

What we regularly encourage and consistently cultivate in our mind – this determines our character formation, and ultimately, our destiny. Evidently, an intelligent choice of thought changes the character pattern in us – placing, thus, the entire destiny of our life in our own hands.

We must come to realize the power and strength, the need and value for an unshakable personal faith in discovering and developing the inner vitality in us and in that undaunted striving for fuller life.

The uplifting, inspiring thoughts that we entertain richly accumulate our mental wealth and intellectual treasure of purity, serenity, love, cheerfulness and aspiration for the nobler gains.

We must keep our mind constantly open to all helpful suggestions. There are always rich mines of healthy ideas lying broadcast throughout life’s fields; only we ignore them, refusing to explore them fully. Swami Chinmayananda

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Hum sai ke Deewane hai

आओ, पहले हम सन्तों के चरणों में प्रणाम करें, जिनकी कृपादृष्टि मात्र से ही समस्त पापसमूह भस्म होकर हमारे आचरण के दोष नष्ट हो जायेंगे । उनसे वार्तालाप करना हमारे लिये शिक्षाप्रद और अति आनन्ददायक है । वे अपने मन में "यह मेरा और वह तुम्हारा" ऐसा कोई भेद नहीं रखते । इस प्रकार के भेदभाव की कल्पना उनके हृदय में कभी भी उत्पन्न नहीं होती । उनका ऋण इस जन्म में तो क्या, अनेक जन्मों में भी न चुकाया जा सकेगा ।
(श्री साई सच्चरित्र) (2 photos)
आओ, पहले हम सन्तों के चरणों में प्रणाम करें, जिनकी कृपादृष्टि मात्र से ही समस्त पापसमूह भस्म होकर हमारे आचरण के दोष नष्ट हो जायेंगे । उनसे वार्तालाप करना हमारे लिये शिक्षाप्रद और अति आनन्ददायक है । वे अपने मन में "यह मेरा और वह तुम्हारा" ऐसा कोई भेद नहीं रखते । इस प्रकार के भेदभाव की कल्पना उनके हृदय में कभी भी उत्पन्न नहीं होती । उनका ऋण इस जन्म में तो क्या, अनेक जन्मों में भी न चुकाया जा सकेगा ।
(श्री साई सच्चरित्र) (2 photos)

Teachings of Rishabha

our pursuit should be the pursuit of the only knowledge worthwhile; the knowledge of Brahman.

Surrender yourself to the Lord. Dedicate your actions to Him. Listen to stories about Him and keep the company of the devotees of the Lord.

Hate no one because everyone is an image of the Lord.

Share the pain of others.

Control anger.

Be alone with yourselves whenever you can because solitude helps you to think of the Lord.

Do your duties properly. Do not neglect any of them.

Speak sparingly and think more.

Teachings of Rishabha is found in the chapter 4 and chapters 5 & 6 of Skandha V of Srimad Bhagavad Purana

Vivekachudamani on Brahman

Surely, this whole universe is Brahman! – Such is the august verdict of the Atharva Veda. Therefore, all that exists is Brahman and nothing but Brahman.

Under no condition can that which is superimposed upon any substratum, have an existence independent of that substratum. That is why everything that is manifested before our eyes in other words, this whole universe is the supreme Brahman, the one Reality, the One without a second, pure Being, pure Intelligence, the Unconditioned, the silent Peace, the Unlimited without beginning or end, the Witness who remains apart from all activity absolute Bliss.

And Brahman transcends the world of multiplicity produced by maya that other name for ignorance. He is eternal and can never be touched by a shadow of suffering. He is indivisible, incommensurable, without form, undifferentiated, inexpressible and immutable. He shines with his own Light!
Vivekachudamani (231, 237-38)

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Yoga Vasishta – Words To Remove Ignorance

Like the straight thin filament of a lotus stalk which does not part asunder, even though the stalk is broken, all the Vasanas which have been clinging to us from a long time are not and will not be destroyed except through a long continued practice of meditation and introspection.

The wise say that the best thing for a man to do in this world is to give up, without the least longing, Vasanas – all affinities for objects – which cause the mind to fluctuate and take men away from  moksha (liberation) and the stainless path.

Immense wealth, friends, relatives, Benares and other sacred places, bathing in the Ganges and other waters, the hermitage of Munis, religious austerities afflicting the body and other like things are not the sure means of ever reaching the higher state; but it is through the mind’s efforts that the immaculate and supreme Seat can be attained.
Yoga Vasishta

Teachings on Real Guru from Guru Gita

Guru devoid of Knowledge, who indulges in falsehood and who is full of vanity should be abandoned. Because when he is not able to find peace for himself, how is he to bestow peace on others?

What special knowledge has a stone in saving other stones from drowning? If it cannot swim across the river by itself; how can it help other stones to swim across?

They (such Gurus) are not at all fit to be worshipped whose reasoning creates painful delusion. Such Gurus should be abandoned from a distance. One should take refuge only in the self-realized ones.

Imposters, habitual sinners, atheists, those who are of the different temperament, slaves of woman, evildoers, ungrateful, rougish, those fallen from Karma Marga, cruel, who indulge in vain discussions, sensualists, those who are angry, violent, unyielding to reasoning, devoid of knowledge, great sinners, crooks , fools, such
Gurus should be avoided; and one should only take refuge in the Self realized Guru with single minded devotion and discrimination. 
Guru Gita

Friday, 29 March 2013

Anandamurti Gurumaa – Words of Wisdom

Life is meant to be lived in a wonderful way.  Life is not given to us to sulk and be sad and be miserable all the time. However, if you do not live well, then definitely it is guaranteed that you are going to suffer a lot. But if you are trained well, if you use your wisdom then you may have the most unfortunate and difficult situations in your life and yet you will remain calm because you know that the scene is soon going to change.

The biggest pilgrimage is moving towards your own centre. Exploration of your own self is the biggest pilgrimage.

We live in a very artificial world. We have artificial selves, we have artificial things around and that is the reason people feel so discontented and dejected.

The moment you begin to think about your mind, about your consciousness, about the level of your emotions, about the way you are living your life – that is the turning point. From that point onwards, no one can hold you and you will just grow and grow and grow…and finally reach the point where enlightenment happens. Anandamurti Gurumaa

Source – Selections from various talks and articles of Gurumaa

Monday, 25 March 2013

HARE Krishna Radhe krishna

एक राजा था। उसने आज्ञा दी कि संसार में इस बात की खोज की जाय कि कौन से जीव-जंतु निरुपयोगी हैं। बहुत दिनों तक खोज बीन करने के बाद उसे जानकारी मिली कि संसार में दो जीव जंगली मक्खी और मकड़ी बिल्कुल बेकार हैं। राजा ने सोचा, क्यों न जंगली मक्खियों और मकड़ियों को ख़त्म कर दिया जाए।

इसी बीच उस राजा पर एक अन्य शक्तिशाली राजा ने आक्रमण कर दिया, जिसमें राजा हार गया और जान बचाने के लिए राजपाट छोड़ कर जंगल में चला गया। शत्रु के सैनिक उसका पीछा करने लगे। काफ़ी दौड़-भाग के बाद राजा ने अपनी जान बचाई और थक कर एक पेड़ के नीचे सो गया। तभी एक जंगली मक्खी ने उसकी नाक पर डंक मारा जिससे राजा की नींद खुल गई। उसे ख़याल आया कि खुले में ऐसे सोना सुरक्षित नहीं और वह एक गुफ़ा में जा छिपा। राजा के गुफ़ा में जाने के बाद मकड़ियों ने गुफ़ा के द्वार पर जाला बुन दिया।

शत्रु के सैनिक उसे ढूँढ ही रहे थे। जब वे गुफ़ा के पास पहुँचे तो द्वार पर घना जाला देख कर आपस में कहने लगे, "अरे! चलो आगे। इस गुफ़ा में वह आया होता तो द्वार पर बना यह जाला क्या नष्ट न हो जाता।"

गुफ़ा में छिपा बैठा राजा ये बातें सुन रहा था। शत्रु के सैनिक आगे निकल गए। उस समय राजा की समझ में यह बात आई कि संसार में कोई भी प्राणी या चीज़ बेकार नहीं। अगर जंगली मक्खी और मकड़ी न होतीं तो उसकी जान न बच पाती। इस संसार में कोई भी चीज़ या प्राणी बेकार नहीं। हर एक की कहीं न कहीं उपयोगिता है।
एक राजा था। उसने आज्ञा दी कि संसार में इस बात की खोज की जाय कि कौन से जीव-जंतु निरुपयोगी हैं। बहुत दिनों तक खोज बीन करने के बाद उसे जानकारी मिली कि संसार में दो जीव जंगली मक्खी और मकड़ी बिल्कुल बेकार हैं। राजा ने सोचा, क्यों न जंगली मक्खियों और मकड़ियों को ख़त्म कर दिया जाए।

इसी बीच उस राजा पर एक अन्य शक्तिशाली राजा ने आक्रमण कर दिया, जिसमें राजा हार गया और जान बचाने के लिए राजपाट छोड़ कर जंगल में चला गया। शत्रु के सैनिक उसका पीछा करने लगे। काफ़ी दौड़-भाग के बाद राजा ने अपनी जान बचाई और थक कर एक पेड़ के नीचे सो गया। तभी एक जंगली मक्खी ने उसकी नाक पर डंक मारा जिससे राजा की नींद खुल गई। उसे ख़याल आया कि खुले में ऐसे सोना सुरक्षित नहीं और वह एक गुफ़ा में जा छिपा। राजा के गुफ़ा में जाने के बाद मकड़ियों ने गुफ़ा के द्वार पर जाला बुन दिया।

शत्रु के सैनिक उसे ढूँढ ही रहे थे। जब वे गुफ़ा के पास पहुँचे तो द्वार पर घना जाला देख कर आपस में कहने लगे, "अरे! चलो आगे। इस गुफ़ा में वह आया होता तो द्वार पर बना यह जाला क्या नष्ट न हो जाता।"

गुफ़ा में छिपा बैठा राजा ये बातें सुन रहा था। शत्रु के सैनिक आगे निकल गए। उस समय राजा की समझ में यह बात आई कि संसार में कोई भी प्राणी या चीज़ बेकार नहीं। अगर जंगली मक्खी और मकड़ी न होतीं तो उसकी जान न बच पाती। इस संसार में कोई भी चीज़ या प्राणी बेकार नहीं। हर एक की कहीं न कहीं उपयोगिता है।

Mata Amritanandamayi

Many people meditate in order that the third eye will open after the two eyes that see the world go blind. Such a thing will never happen. We can never close our eyes to the world in the name of spirituality. Self-Realization is the ability to see ourselves in all beings, even while our two eyes are wide open. We should be able to love and serve others, seeing ourselves in them. That is the fulfillment of spiritual practice.

Just having a respectful approach to everything can bring about a huge transformation in our society and in the world. To rise triumphantly in life, we should begin from the bottom. To build a tall tower that stretches to the sky, we should start by building a solid foundation down in the earth. It is humility that makes us rise high. It is respect that gives one real power.

We live in an age wherein despite immense scientific and technological advancements, we are witnessing the disintegration of many other important aspects of our lives. Therefore our focus today should neither be on dependence nor non-dependence, but on interdependence. This is because humans, animals, plants, the earth, the sky, the atmosphere, the sun, the moon and all the planets are all interdependent.
Mata Amritanandamayi

Rama Gita Quotes

For the purpose of warding off this course of worldly life, removal of ignorance is the only means. Knowledge alone is capable of destroying this ignorance.
When that knowledge which destroys the notion of separation of the Supreme Self from the embodied self arises in the purified internal organ, then Maya together with its off-shoots, which give rise to birth, rebirth and action (karma), forthwith disappears.
When it has been destroyed by realized knowledge which is pure and without duality, how shall ignorance ever again arise?
The self never dies nor is born, nor is it subject to increase or decrease. It is never new (or old), beyond all additions to its greatness, of the nature of bliss itself, self-illumined, all pervading and without a second.
Rama Gita

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Swami Chidananda Saraswati (1916 – 2008)

Try to evaluate objects as they really are. To lead a proper life one has to assign a limited value to objects. Certain objects are indispensable for the maintenance of life. For that purpose and to that end they should be utilized; but let them not assume an undue prominence. For instead of serving as the proper sustenance, they may become the veritable tyrants, sapping life of all true contentment and satisfaction.
Your happiness may become mortgaged to these objects. No longer of limited utility, they seem to be of utmost importance. Therefore, they come to have a stranglehold upon you and tend to dominate and enslave you. A proper understanding and a right evaluation of objects as they are and for what they are worth, is of prime concern.
“Thus far and no further”—you must say, when they try to invade the interior kingdom of your life.
Swami Chidananda Saraswati (1916 – 2008) was the president of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh – associated with the Swami Sivananda Ashram

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Wise Words from Vivekachudamani

What greater fool is there than the man who having obtained a rare human body, and a masculine body too, neglects to achieve the real end (liberation) of this life.

Work is for the purification of the mind, not for the perception of the Reality. The realization of Truth is brought about by discrimination and not in the least by ten millions of acts.

The man of discrimination between the real and the unreal, whose mind is turned away from the unreal, who possesses calmness and the allied virtues, and is longing for Liberation, is alone considered qualified to inquire after Brahman.

The resting of the mind steadfastly on its Goas (viz., Brahman) after having detached itself from the manifold of sense objects by continually observing their defects is called Sama or Calmness.


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Jiddu Krishnamurti – Words of Wisdom

A mind that can meet a challenge with total energy is not creating a problem. It is only a mind that is responding to a challenge with a background, with its conditioning which is always inadequate that creates a problem.

We cannot maintain total awareness all the time. How can we? To be aware from moment to moment is enough. If one is totally aware for a minute or two, and the relax, and in that relaxation spontaneously observes the operations of one’s own mind, one will discover much more in that spontaneity than in the effort to watch continuously.

It may last one second – you are completely aware one second, and the next second you may be attentive…. Do not say inattention must become attention – thereby you are introducing conflict, and in that conflict awareness and attention completely end.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Monday, 18 March 2013

Hitopadesha Sayings

Hitopadesha Sayings

Fortune is with the man who exerts himself. They are weak men who declare fate as the sole cause for all misfortunes.

As the potter forms the lump of clay into whatever shape he likes even so may a man regulate his own actions.

From covetousness proceed ill nature and of ill nature is born stubbornness; from stubbornness is created a delusion of reason, and that delusion is the cause of sin.

Fortitude in adversity, and moderation in prosperity; eloquence in the senate, and courage in the field; great glory in renown, and labor in study; are the natural perfection of great minds.

Truth is the state beyond concepts – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Truth is the state beyond concepts – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Some thoughts of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Truth is the state beyond concepts.

Whenever there is sense of individuality, personality or separateness, you have so many wants. But when that sense of separateness is not there, when you are one with the totality, there are no wants.

Do whatever you want, but never forget the reality, never forget what you really are. You are not the body, you are not the food, you are not this vital air. Whatever has appeared is a state, and as such it has to go.

You take the seed of the Banyan tree. It is very small, smaller that the mustard seed. The seed is very subtle, but all the gross matter is already inside it. Do you see the paradox? Similarly, your essential being is the subtlest, yet it contains the whole universe.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj