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|| The Purpose of Life is to Find God ||
We should realize that we are visiting this earth only temporarily ; we are here solely to learn necessary lessons and to help all who cross our path . We do not know why we have been cast in a particular role , so we must learn what God expects of us . Don't harbour personal desires ; our only desire should be to follow the Lord's will and to live and work for Him . We are here today , tomorrow we are gone : mere shadows in a cosmic dream . But behind the unreality of these fleeting pictures is the immortal reality of Spirit . Life here on earth appears futile and chaotic until we are anchored in the Divine . Do not concentrate upon ephemeral worldly goals and human attachments . Such fanaticism takes your mind away from the Lord and your eternal Self in Him . " He who has overcome attachment both to sense objects and to actions , and who is free from ego-instigated plannings --that man is said to have attained firm union of soul with Spirit ." ( Gita 6 / 4 ) .
Until you realize that God is more important than anything else , and until you spend your life in seeking to please Him , you are not spiritually evolved at all . That is the Power you should trust , the Power through which you can find guidance , happiness , strength and freedom . That is the Power which will give you emancipation . No other duty is important if it takes your thought and desire away from your duty to God ; all else is illusion . This earth is a foreign land ; we are not in our own Home . In an instant you may be required to leave this world ; you will have to cancel all your engagements . Why then give any other activity first importance , with the result that you have no time for God ? That is not common sense . It is because of Maya ( cosmic delusion ) , which is thrown over us , that we entangle ourselves in mundane interests and forget the Lord .
While you are well and strong , do not spend your time on foolishness . God understands everything ; He knows He has sent us to this terrible place . He grieves in His heart at our sufferings . Nothing hurts Him more than to see us grovel in the mud of delusion . He wants us to come back Home . And to those who make the effort to know Him , He responds : " From sheer compassion I , the Divine Indweller , set alight in them the radiant lamp of wisdom which banishes the darkness of ignorance ." ( Gita 10 / 11 ) . For every man who retraces his steps to God , there is a great celebration among the angels . They actually appear and receive that returning soul in great joy . There is no way back Home if you weave around you a snare of worldly desires . You came to play your part on the stage of time , to fill the role that you were designed for in the divine drama ; but the essential part of your role is to think of Him and to do His will , naught else . Every thought , every act , is deluded that does not place Him first . The Hindu scriptures say : " As soon as you feel the desire for God , immediately change your life and plunge into Him ."
Each soul must find its way back alone . No one but you are responsible for your mistakes and habits . Once you have found your Self in your soul , you are free . But so long as you are not free , so long there is danger , you will have to come back to earth and work out all the desires that remain unfinished . Your body is mortal , but the soul outlasts the body . If you die wanting a Cadillac ( car ) you will have to come back here for it ; you will not be able to get it in heaven , where cars are not used .
The only purpose of life is to find God . If you are married you and your loved one should seek the Divine together . People should be taught in youth how to control their emotions .
So long as ignorance remains , you cannot tell how many incarnations of suffering may be ahead of you . Eliminate ignorance by meditation . The longer you meditate , the more completely you will ' cauterise' the injurious mental bacteria that have been infecting you for ages . For instance , some people are prone to anger ; they do not realize that they have been cultivating the habit of wrathfulness for many lives .It is best to struggle to get rid of bad habits now . A complete surrender to God will destroy in you the Karma of ignorance .
|| OM TAT SAT ||