Saturday, 9 March 2013

गंगास्तुति :

शिव रात्रि का वातावरण हो और माँ गंगा की स्तुति न हो यह कैसे हो सकता है !
गंगास्तुति :
ॐ नमः शिवायै गंगायै, शिवदायै नमो नमः। नमस्ते विष्णु-रुपिण्यै, ब्रह्म-मूर्त्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।
नमस्ते रुद्र-रुपिण्यै, शांकर्यै ते नमो नमः। सर्व-देव-स्वरुपिण्यै, नमो भेषज-मूर्त्तये।।
सर्वस्य सर्व-व्याधीनां, भिषक्-श्रेष्ठ्यै नमोऽस्तु ते। स्थास्नु-जंगम-सम्भूत-विष-हन्त्र्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।
संसार-विष-नाशिन्यै, जीवानायै नमोऽस्तु ते। ताप-त्रितय-संहन्त्र्यै, प्राणश्यै ते नमो नमः।।
शन्ति-सन्तान-कारिण्यै, नमस्ते शुद्ध-मूर्त्तये। सर्व-संशुद्धि-कारिण्यै, नमः पापारि-मूर्त्तये।।
भुक्ति-मुक्ति-प्रदायिन्यै, भद्रदायै नमो नमः। भोगोपभोग-दायिन्यै, भोग-वत्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।
मन्दाकिन्यै नमस्तेऽस्तु, स्वर्गदायै नमो नमः। नमस्त्रैलोक्य-भूषायै, त्रि-पथायै नमो नमः।।
नमस्त्रि-शुक्ल-संस्थायै, क्षमा-वत्यै नमो नमः। त्रि-हुताशन-संस्थायै, तेजो-वत्यै नमो नमः।।
नन्दायै लिंग-धारिण्यै, सुधा-धारात्मने नमः। नमस्ते विश्व-मुख्यायै, रेवत्यै ते नमो नमः।।
बृहत्यै ते नमस्तेऽस्तु, लोक-धात्र्यै नमोऽस्तु ते। नमस्ते विश्व-मित्रायै, नन्दिन्यै ते नमो नमः।।
पृथ्व्यै शिवामृतायै च, सु-वृषायै नमो नमः। परापर-शताढ्यै, तारायै ते नमो नमः।।
पाश-जाल-निकृन्तिन्यै, अभिन्नायै नमोऽस्तु ते। शान्तायै च वरिष्ठायै, वरदायै नमो नमः।।
उग्रायै सुख-जग्ध्यै च, सञ्जीविन्यै नमोऽस्तु ते। ब्रह्मिष्ठायै-ब्रह्मदायै, दुरितघ्न्यै नमो नमः।।
प्रणतार्ति-प्रभञजिन्यै, जग्मात्रे नमोऽस्तु ते। सर्वापत्-प्रति-पक्षायै, मंगलायै नमो नमः।।
शरणागत-दीनार्त-परित्राण-परायणे। सर्वस्यार्ति-हरे देवि! नारायणि ! नमोऽस्तु ते।।
निर्लेपायै दुर्ग-हन्त्र्यै, सक्षायै ते नमो नमः। परापर-परायै च, गंगे निर्वाण-दायिनि।।
गंगे ममाऽग्रतो भूया, गंगे मे तिष्ठ पृष्ठतः। गंगे मे पार्श्वयोरेधि, गंगे त्वय्यस्तु मे स्थितिः।
आदौ त्वमन्ते मध्ये च, सर्व त्वं गांगते शिवे! त्वमेव मूल-प्रकृतिस्त्वं पुमान् पर एव हि।।
गंगे त्वं परमात्मा च, शिवस्तुभ्यं नमः शिवे।।
शिव रात्रि का वातावरण हो और माँ गंगा की स्तुति न हो यह कैसे हो सकता है ! 
गंगास्तुति : 
ॐ नमः शिवायै गंगायै, शिवदायै नमो नमः। नमस्ते विष्णु-रुपिण्यै, ब्रह्म-मूर्त्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।
नमस्ते रुद्र-रुपिण्यै, शांकर्यै ते नमो नमः। सर्व-देव-स्वरुपिण्यै, नमो भेषज-मूर्त्तये।।
सर्वस्य सर्व-व्याधीनां, भिषक्-श्रेष्ठ्यै नमोऽस्तु ते। स्थास्नु-जंगम-सम्भूत-विष-हन्त्र्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।
संसार-विष-नाशिन्यै, जीवानायै नमोऽस्तु ते। ताप-त्रितय-संहन्त्र्यै, प्राणश्यै ते नमो नमः।।
शन्ति-सन्तान-कारिण्यै, नमस्ते शुद्ध-मूर्त्तये। सर्व-संशुद्धि-कारिण्यै, नमः पापारि-मूर्त्तये।।
भुक्ति-मुक्ति-प्रदायिन्यै, भद्रदायै नमो नमः। भोगोपभोग-दायिन्यै, भोग-वत्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।
मन्दाकिन्यै नमस्तेऽस्तु, स्वर्गदायै नमो नमः। नमस्त्रैलोक्य-भूषायै, त्रि-पथायै नमो नमः।।
नमस्त्रि-शुक्ल-संस्थायै, क्षमा-वत्यै नमो नमः। त्रि-हुताशन-संस्थायै, तेजो-वत्यै नमो नमः।।
नन्दायै लिंग-धारिण्यै, सुधा-धारात्मने नमः। नमस्ते विश्व-मुख्यायै, रेवत्यै ते नमो नमः।।
बृहत्यै ते नमस्तेऽस्तु, लोक-धात्र्यै नमोऽस्तु ते। नमस्ते विश्व-मित्रायै, नन्दिन्यै ते नमो नमः।।
पृथ्व्यै शिवामृतायै च, सु-वृषायै नमो नमः। परापर-शताढ्यै, तारायै ते नमो नमः।।
पाश-जाल-निकृन्तिन्यै, अभिन्नायै नमोऽस्तु ते। शान्तायै च वरिष्ठायै, वरदायै नमो नमः।।
उग्रायै सुख-जग्ध्यै च, सञ्जीविन्यै नमोऽस्तु ते। ब्रह्मिष्ठायै-ब्रह्मदायै, दुरितघ्न्यै नमो नमः।।
प्रणतार्ति-प्रभञजिन्यै, जग्मात्रे नमोऽस्तु ते। सर्वापत्-प्रति-पक्षायै, मंगलायै नमो नमः।।
शरणागत-दीनार्त-परित्राण-परायणे। सर्वस्यार्ति-हरे देवि! नारायणि ! नमोऽस्तु ते।।
निर्लेपायै दुर्ग-हन्त्र्यै, सक्षायै ते नमो नमः। परापर-परायै च, गंगे निर्वाण-दायिनि।।
गंगे ममाऽग्रतो भूया, गंगे मे तिष्ठ पृष्ठतः। गंगे मे पार्श्वयोरेधि, गंगे त्वय्यस्तु मे स्थितिः।
आदौ त्वमन्ते मध्ये च, सर्व त्वं गांगते शिवे! त्वमेव मूल-प्रकृतिस्त्वं पुमान् पर एव हि।।
गंगे त्वं परमात्मा च, शिवस्तुभ्यं नमः शिवे।।

Descent of Govardhan

Descent of Govardhan



According to Garg samhita, one day in Goloka Vrindavan Lord Krishna informed his eternal consort Srimati Radharani that she should now appear on earth as it was time for them to perform their pastimes within the material world. Radharani replied unless Vraja Dham, the Yamuna, and Govardhan Hill were present there, she would not be happy. Krishna then informed that she need not worry, as Vraja dham, along with the Yamuna and Govardhan Hill had already appeared on earth. In the words of Radhanath Swami: “That king of mountains Giriraj descended in the Himalayas as the son of Dronachala.

When Govardhan took birth all the mountains understanding their good fortune that the very playground of Lord Krishna has appeared amongst them, worshipped Govardhan Hill. And the demigods showered flowers upon Giriraj. One day Pulatsya Muni was traveling and he came upon this Govardhan Hill. He requested Giriraj’s father Dronachala that, “In my place of Bhajan, Varanasi there are no mountains, but this Govardhan is such beautiful mountain, I desire to take Govardhan to Varanasi to do my worship”. So with the very heavy heart of imminent separation Dronachala gave his permission. But Govardhan made a condition that, “I will go with you, but anywhere you place Me to the ground, I will not move from that place”.

A view of Govardhan Hill So Pulatsya Muni began his journey. By Govardhan’s blessings and by his mystic powers he was able to carry him. But Govardhan came to this world only to assist Krishna in his divine pastimes in Vrindavan. So, therefore as Pulatsya Muni was passing by Braj Bhumi by the will of the Supersoul within his heart he had an unbearable urge to respond to the call of nature. Thus he had to place Govardhan down. And he performed his duties, he washed his hands, then he went to lift Govardhan, but he would not move! So he tried with all of his strength, but Govardhan would not move. He became very upset and he cursed Govardhan that, “Everyday You will reduce in size the length of a mustard seed”. This took place in Satya Yuga. At that time Govardhan Hill was miles and miles high. But actually Govardhan was very happy to receive this curse as a blessing, because for Krishna to perform his pastimes on such an immense mountain with snowcap peaks in the clouds would have not been very pleasing.

So he very graciously reduced His size so that at the time of Lord Krishna, Govardhan Hill at places was about two miles high. And now it’s highest point it is about 80 feet tall. “[Vrindavan yatra, 1998]

- Radhanath Swami
Descent of Govardhan


According to Garg samhita, one day in Goloka Vrindavan Lord Krishna informed his eternal consort Srimati Radharani that she should now appear on earth as it was time for them to perform their pastimes within the material world. Radharani replied unless Vraja Dham, the Yamuna, and Govardhan Hill were present there, she would not be happy. Krishna then informed that she need not worry, as Vraja dham, along with the Yamuna and Govardhan Hill had already appeared on earth. In the words of Radhanath Swami: “That king of mountains Giriraj descended in the Himalayas as the son of Dronachala.

When Govardhan took birth all the mountains understanding their good fortune that the very playground of Lord Krishna has appeared amongst them, worshipped Govardhan Hill. And the demigods showered flowers upon Giriraj. One day Pulatsya Muni was traveling and he came upon this Govardhan Hill. He requested Giriraj’s father Dronachala that, “In my place of Bhajan, Varanasi there are no mountains, but this Govardhan is such beautiful mountain, I desire to take Govardhan to Varanasi to do my worship”. So with the very heavy heart of imminent separation Dronachala gave his permission. But Govardhan made a condition that, “I will go with you, but anywhere you place Me to the ground, I will not move from that place”.

A view of Govardhan Hill So Pulatsya Muni began his journey. By Govardhan’s blessings and by his mystic powers he was able to carry him. But Govardhan came to this world only to assist Krishna in his divine pastimes in Vrindavan. So, therefore as Pulatsya Muni was passing by Braj Bhumi by the will of the Supersoul within his heart he had an unbearable urge to respond to the call of nature. Thus he had to place Govardhan down. And he performed his duties, he washed his hands, then he went to lift Govardhan, but he would not move! So he tried with all of his strength, but Govardhan would not move. He became very upset and he cursed Govardhan that, “Everyday You will reduce in size the length of a mustard seed”. This took place in Satya Yuga. At that time Govardhan Hill was miles and miles high. But actually Govardhan was very happy to receive this curse as a blessing, because for Krishna to perform his pastimes on such an immense mountain with snowcap peaks in the clouds would have not been very pleasing.

So he very graciously reduced His size so that at the time of Lord Krishna, Govardhan Hill at places was about two miles high. And now it’s highest point it is about 80 feet tall. “[Vrindavan yatra, 1998]

- Radhanath Swami



Hanuman Gayatri is for those who want to develop a amazing stamina, the power of selfless love, great physical strength and the power to heal wounds promptly. Hanuman is the embodiment of strength, stamina, wit, loyalty and unwavering devotion. Hanuman is also fearless and never hesitating. Hanuman gayatri is an extraordinary gayatri mantra for those who want to develop qualities like Hanuman. If you are ever in need of strength Hanuman Gayatri is for you. And the strength is both physical as well as inner strength. You can get rid of your fears with Hanuman Gayatri and get rid of doubts too. Your loyalty and devotion will increase manifold and you will also be blessed with clarity of mind to see through things. For where there is clarity of mind, doubts and hesitation will be pushed out of the back door.

There are two common variations of Hanuman Gayatri and you can use any of the two to chant:


Aum Anjaneyaye Vidmahe
Mahabalaye Dhimahi
Tanno Hanuman Prachodayat

Aum anjani sutaya cha vidmahe
Vayu putraya cha dhimahi
Tanno marutih prachodayat

Translation: Let us meditate on the Great Lord who is the son of Anajani Devi and Vayu, the Wind God. Let Maruti illuminate and inspire our mind.

♥ ♥ ♥ Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy ♥ ♥ ♥ Oм ηαмαн ѕнιναy ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, 8 March 2013





It has been mentioned in the sixteenth chapter of Viddyeshwar Samhita that all the desires of a
man are completely fulfilled, if he worship even in earthen idol of Shiva. For making an idol of
Shiva, clay should be acquired from the base of river, pond, well or any such other place. In this
clay fragrant powder and milk should be added to make it into a paste. After the constructing of
idol is complete, it should be worshiped by all the sixteen types of rituals Shodasopachar.
If the Shivalinga is constructed by somebody else, then three 'sera' of Naivedya should be offered
to the deity, whereas if one himself has constructed the Shivalinga then the one-fourth of a 'Sera'
should be offered. If such an idol s worshiped for one thousand times, then it helps a devotee in attaining to the
Satyaloka. Performing 'abhishek' of such an idol helps in self-purification, offering fragrance
gives virtues, Naivedya increases the life span and worshiping it with 'Dhoop' gives wealth and
prosperity respectively.
Worshiping the idol with a burning lamp gives knowledge to the devotee, whereas offering
beetel leaves gives splendours.
A devotee who worships Lord Shiva in the Hindu month of Magh and on Krishna Chaturdashi
achieves longevity of life. Both, worldly pleasures and salvation are achieved by worshiping
Worshiping Shiva in the Hindu month of Kartik by going Japa, penance etc gives special fruits
and the devotee becomes free from all kinds of diseases.
If a devotee worships lord Shiva on Sunday he becomes free from rebirth be continued

OM NAMAH SHIVAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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<3 <3 <3 OM NAMAH SHIVAY <3 <3 <3 OM NAMAH SHIVAY <3 <3 <3 OM NAMAH SHIVAY <3 <3 <3 OM NAMAH SHIVAY <3 <3 <3



It has been mentioned in the sixteenth chapter of Viddyeshwar Samhita that all the desires of a 
man are completely fulfilled, if he worship even in earthen idol of Shiva. For making an idol of 
Shiva, clay should be acquired from the base of river, pond, well or any such other place. In this 
clay fragrant powder and milk should be added to make it into a paste. After the constructing of 
idol is complete, it should be worshiped by all the sixteen types of rituals Shodasopachar. 
If the Shivalinga is constructed by somebody else, then three 'sera' of Naivedya should be offered 
to the deity, whereas if one himself has constructed the Shivalinga then the one-fourth of a 'Sera' 
should be offered. If such an idol s worshiped for one thousand times, then it helps a devotee in attaining to the 
Satyaloka. Performing 'abhishek' of such an idol helps in self-purification, offering fragrance 
gives virtues, Naivedya increases the life span and worshiping it with 'Dhoop' gives wealth and 
prosperity respectively. 
Worshiping the idol with a burning lamp gives knowledge to the devotee, whereas offering 
beetel leaves gives splendours. 
A devotee who worships Lord Shiva in the Hindu month of Magh and on Krishna Chaturdashi 
achieves longevity of life. Both, worldly pleasures and salvation are achieved by worshiping 
Worshiping Shiva in the Hindu month of Kartik by going Japa, penance etc gives special fruits 
and the devotee becomes free from all kinds of diseases. 
If a devotee worships lord Shiva on Sunday he becomes free from rebirth be continued

OM NAMAH SHIVAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Shiva is Fearlessness and Bliss – Way to Moksha – Shivratri Thoughts from Hindu Blog

Shiva is Fearlessness and Bliss – Way to Moksha – Shivratri Thoughts from Hindu Blog

The first image that comes to mind when one thinks about Shiva is the Shivling and the Snakes around the neck of Shiva. We tremble with fear on encountering a snake. So imagine using snake as a garland. To attain bliss we have to be fearless. We have to drop the fear of tomorrow, fear of losing social status, fear of losing wealth, fear of losing family members, fear of death, and fear of all that is fleeting… When all fear is dropped, we drop ignorance. This leads to bliss. The snake on Shiva extols this truth. The snake is the fear of the world and future. He who is to make the snake a garland attains bliss.

What is bliss? It is the realization of the Supreme Truth in all animate and inanimate. That there is no second.

What is Shivling? It is a symbol of the fiery seed responsible for all forms of creation in the world – which we know and of which we have no knowledge. We are here because of that primordial column of fire. And we return back to the only source. Shivling makes our path to self realization easy. Constant meditation on it removes ignorance and a day will come when we will not even need the Shivling. All forms will drop and we will merge in the formless. - Abhilash Rajendran

Krishna and Bhagavad Gita

What is the weapon to slash the doubts?

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhakthivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, Founder Acharya, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, explains the words of Krishna in BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS (C-4, T-42):

tasmad ajnana-sambhutam
hrt-stham jnanasinatmanah
chittvainam samsayam yogam
atisthottistha bharata


Therefore the doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, O Bharata, stand and fight.


The yoga system instructed in this chapter is called sanatana-yoga, or eternal activities performed by the living entity. This yoga has two divisions of sacrificial actions: one is called sacrifice of one's material possessions, and the other is called knowledge of self, which is pure spiritual activity. If sacrifice of one's material possessions is not dovetailed for spiritual realization, then such sacrifice becomes material. But one who performs such sacrifices with a spiritual objective, or in devotional service, makes a perfect sacrifice. When we come to spiritual activities, we find that these are also divided into two: namely, understanding of one's own self (or one's constitutional position), and the truth regarding the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

One who follows the path of the Gita as it is can very easily understand these two important divisions of spiritual knowledge. For him there is no difficulty in obtaining perfect knowledge of the self as part and parcel of the Lord. And such understanding is beneficial for such a person who easily understands the transcendental activities of the Lord. In the beginning of this chapter, the transcendental activities of the Lord were discussed by the Supreme Lord Himself. One who does not understand the instructions of the Gita is faithless, and is to be considered to be misusing the fragmental independence awarded to him by the Lord. In spite of such instructions, one who does not understand the real nature of the Lord as the eternal, blissful, all knowing Personality of Godhead, is certainly fool number one. Ignorance can be removed by gradual acceptance of the principles of Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is awakened by different types of sacrifices to the demigods, sacrifice to Brahman, sacrifice in celibacy, in household life, in controlling the senses, in practicing mystic yoga, in penance, in forgoing material possessions, in studying the Vedas, and in partaking of the social institution called varnasrama-dharma. All of these are known as sacrifice, and all of them are based on regulated action. But within all these activities, the important factor is self-realization. One who seeks that objective is the real student of Bhagavad-gita, but one who doubts the authority of Krsna falls back.

One is therefore advised to study Bhagavad-gita, or any other scripture, under a bona fide spiritual master, with service and surrender. A bona fide spiritual master is in the disciplic succession from time eternal, and he does not deviate at all from the instructions of the Supreme Lord as they were imparted millions of years ago to the sun-god, from whom the instructions of Bhagavad-gita have come down to the earthly kingdom. One should, therefore, follow the path of Bhagavad-gita as it is expressed in the Gita itself and beware of self-interested people after personal aggrandizement who deviate others from the actual path. The Lord is definitely the supreme person, and His activities are transcendental. One who understands this is a liberated person from the very beginning of his study of the Gita.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the Fourth Chapter of the Srimad Bhagavad-gita in the matter of Transcendental Knowledge.
 — with Vanisha Sajnani.

Krishna and Bhagavad Gita


Jealousy comes for various reasons:

1. When we love someone but our lover/ spouse speaks to another girl/ boy cordially. This causes jealousy with that another boy / girl who is speaking to our lover/ spouse.

2. When another person gets more wealth and comforts.

3. If another person is living a peaceful life compared with ours.

4. if our spouse do not take us to outing, but, the couple in the next house goes to outings frequently.

These are all material reasons. Jealousy is the outcome of our insecurity.

Actually, when I was not a sincere devotee in my boyhood, I was fed up with the jealous people and sinners in my locality and our country. So, I naturally was looking for a place where there is no jealousy. So, when I got the opportunity to associate with devotees, i was very happy. It gave me real happiness, as I wondered how the young devotees are living a renounced life. However, even in spritual service, One person out of 100 person maintains enmighty due to jealousy that I have been observing.

I could witness politics in devotional service also. I could talk to a senior male devotee from Malaysia who felt like anything about such activities of a few devotees throughout the world. When we were discussing about such spritual politics throughout the world, he told a point to me: "Always be like water on lotus leaves even in sprituality. if you emotionally approach the devotional services, you can not peacefully do your devotional service. Because, if there are 99 dedicated silent devotees, there will be atleast one who will target you"

So, in all places where 100s of people assemble, there will be politics and jealousy. Only if we stand in the last row, we can remain peaceful. If you try to come to the first row, problem starts. That is why, I have never tried to come to any posts in our spritual organisation and am serving as a freelancer refusing any honours though they are ready to come. It is my condition that my name should never be publicised for any reasons if I offer any good services. Because, spritual service MUST BE DONE SILENTLY WITHOUT EXPECTING HONOURS. It is an opportunity for us to serve the Lord. I am speaking frankly the truth.

I have been following his words like veda since then and understood that we must be careful even in devotional services. As I have said many times, there are thousands of admirers for our page in Facebook. But, at the same time, there are some jealous persons also who are silently doing all the types of activities against it that I know very well. They come again and again though they know that I do not expect their presence as I know who they are. The beauty is , even I do not schrol our page and analyse it that much. But, such jealous persons are thoroughly analysing our page's each and every comment and are regularly following them.

They are trying to counter our preachings by copying our style of activities though they are aware that the fans are preferring varieties and not copying others.

Once, I posted Nirbhaya's photo (who was gang raped victim in Delhi) with an idea that I will keep that photo for just one week for a campaign. So, after the purpose is done, i removed that photo. Immediately, within 5 minutes, some people came in new names and messaged: "Prabhuji, why did you remove that picture?". See how deeply they are analysing our page even for one week.

A devotee in my area told: "Even a devotee will read Ramayana and mahabharatha casually; But, the aethiests will read it thorouly because they will prepare some points required to counter the preaching of devotees. So, they read them deeply"

Similarly, such jealous persons should know that I am dealing with them though I know that they have come with ill motive. It is approach of sincere Krishna devotees.
— with Shaveta Kumar.

Tanuja Thakur - Jyotirlinga and its reason for manifestation

Jyotirlinga and its reason for manifestation
As per Shiv Mahapuran, once Brahma (the Hindu God of creation) and Vishnu (the Hindu God of saving) had an argument in terms of supremacy of creation. To test them, Shiva pierced the three worlds as a huge endless pillar of light, the jyotirlinga. Vishnu and Brahma split their ways to downwards and upwards respectively to find the end of the light in either directions. Brahma lied that he found out the end, while Vishnu conceded his defeat. Shiva appeared as a second pillar of light and cursed Brahma that he would have no place in ceremonies while Vishnu would be worshipped till the end of eternity. The jyotirlinga is the supreme partless reality, out of which Shiva partly appears. The jyothirlinga shrines, thus are places where Shiva appeared as a fiery column of light. Originally there were believed to be 64 jyothirlingas while 12 of them are considered to be very auspicious and holy. Each of the twelve jyothirlinga sites take the name of the presiding deity - each considered different manifestation of Shiva. At all these sites, the primary image is lingam representing the beginningless and endless Stambha pillar, symbolizing the infinite nature of Shiva. The twelve jyothirlinga are Somnath in Gujarat, Mallikarjuna at Srisailam in Andra Pradesh, Mahakaleswar at Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, Omkareshwar in Madhya Pradesh, Kedarnath in Himalayas, Bhimashankar in Maharastra, Viswanath at Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, Triambakeshwar in Maharastra, Vaidyanath Jyotirlinga at Deoghar in Jharkhand, Nageswar at Dwarka in Gujarat, Rameshwar at Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and Grishneshwar at Aurangabad in Maharastra.
The following sanskrit sloka describes about the 12 Jyotirlingas -

सौराष्ट्रे सोमनाथं च श्रीशैले मल्लिकार्जुनम्। उज्जयिन्यां महाकालमोङ्कारममलेश्वरम्॥
परल्यां वैद्यनाथं च डाकिन्यां भीमशङ्करम्। सेतुबन्धे तु रामेशं नागेशं दारुकावने॥
वाराणस्यां तु विश्वेशं त्र्यम्बकं गौतमीतटे। हिमालये तु केदारं घुश्मेशं च शिवालये॥
एतानि ज्योतिर्लिङ्गानि सायं प्रातः पठेन्नरः। सप्तजन्मकृतं पापं स्मरणेन विनश्यति॥
एतेशां दर्शनादेव पातकं नैव तिष्ठति। कर्मक्षयो भवेत्तस्य यस्य तुष्टो महेश्वराः॥:
द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिंग स्तोत्रम्

Meaning :
Somanath in Saurashtra and Mallikarjunam in Shri-Shail. (सौराष्ट्रे सोमनाथं च श्रीशैले मल्लिकार्जुनम्).
Mahakaal in Ujjain and Amleshwar in Omkareshwar. (उज्जयिन्यां महाकालमोङ्कारममलेश्वरम्).
Vaidyanath in Paralya and Bhimashankaram in Dakniya. (परल्यां वैद्यनाथं च डाकिन्यां भीमशङ्करम्).
Rameshem (Rameshwaram) in Sethubandh and Nageshem (Nageshwar) in Darauka-Vana. (सेतुबन्धे तु रामेशं नागेशं दारुकावने).
Vishwa-Isham (Vishvanath) in Vanarasi and Triambakam at bank of Gautami River. (वाराणस्यां तु विश्वेशं त्र्यम्बकं गौतमीतटे)).
Kedar (Kedarnath) in Himalayas and Gushmesh (Gushmeshwar) in Shivalaya. (। हिमालये तु केदारं घुश्मेशं च शिवालये).
One who recites these Jyotirlingas every evening and morning. (एतानि ज्योतिर्लिङ्गानि सायं प्रातः पठेन्नरः।).
He is relieved of all sins committed in past seven lives.(सप्तजन्मकृतं पापं स्मरणेन विनश्यति)
One who visits these, gets all his wishes fulfilled (एतेशां दर्शनादेव पातकं नैव तिष्ठति)
(कर्मक्षयो भवेत्तस्य यस्य तुष्टो महेश्वराः)

सनातन धर्म एक ही धर्म

हम जो आज हैं और भविष्य में जो होना चाहते हैं उन सभी के पीछे हमारे चिंतन के अभ्यंतर में हमारे दर्शनों के उद्गम वेद ही हैं। यह कहना उचित नहीं कि वेदों का सनातन ज्ञान हमारे लिए सहज मार्ग की प्राप्ति के लिए अति दुरूह और भटकने जैसा है। हां इनको समझने के लिए गहन अध्ययन की आवश्यकता है।

जिस प्रकार ईश्वर अनादि, अनंत और अविनाशी है, उसी प्रकार वेद ज्ञान भी अनादि, अनंत और अविनाशी है। उपनिषदों में वेदों को परमात्मा का निःश्वास कहा गया है। वेद मानव मात्र का मार्गदर्शन करते हैं।

हम जो आज हैं और भविष्य में जो होना चाहते हैं उन सभी के पीछे हमारे चिंतन के अभ्यंतर में हमारे दर्शनों के उद्गम वेद ही हैं। यह कहना उचित नहीं कि वेदों का सनातन ज्ञान हमारे लिए सहज मार्ग की प्राप्ति के लिए अति दुरूह और भटकने जैसा है। हां इनको समझने के लिए गहन अध्ययन की आवश्यकता है।

जिस प्रकार ईश्वर अनादि, अनंत और अविनाशी है, उसी प्रकार वेद ज्ञान भी अनादि, अनंत और अविनाशी है। उपनिषदों में वेदों को परमात्मा का निःश्वास कहा गया है। वेद मानव मात्र का मार्गदर्शन करते हैं।

और वे ऐसा अन्याय करते हैं कि जिसका वर्णन नहीं हो सकता तथा ब्राह्मण, गो, देवता और पृथ्वी कष्ट पाते हैं, तब-तब वे कृपानिधान प्रभु भाँति-भाँति के (दिव्य) शरीर धारण कर सज्जनों की पीड़ा हरते हैं

और वे ऐसा अन्याय करते हैं कि जिसका वर्णन नहीं हो सकता तथा ब्राह्मण, गो, देवता और पृथ्वी कष्ट पाते हैं, तब-तब वे कृपानिधान प्रभु भाँति-भाँति के (दिव्य) शरीर धारण कर सज्जनों की पीड़ा हरते हैं

Radhanath Swami [Official]

Aum Sai Ram ♥
Aum Sai Ram <3

All the great tools that people learn in educational institutions are only as valuable as the ideals and intentions of the people utilizing them.
All the great tools that people learn in educational institutions are only as valuable as the ideals and intentions of the people utilizing them.

ಓಂ ಅಕ್ಷಸ್ರಕ್ಪರಶುಂ ಗದೇಷುಕುಲಿಶಂ ಪದ್ಮಂ ಧನುಃ ಕುಂಡಿಕಾಂ
ದಂಡಂ ಶಕ್ತಿಮಸಿಂ ಚ ಚರ್ಮ ಜಲಜಂ ಘಂಟಾಂ ಸುರಾಭಾಜನಮ್ |

ಶೂಲಂ ಪಾಶಸುದರ್ಶನೇ ಚ ದಧತೀಂ ಹಸ್ತೈಃ ಪ್ರವಾಳ ಪ್ರಭಾಂ
ಸೇವೇ ಸೈರಿಭಮರ್ದಿನೀಮಿಹ ಮಹಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀಂ ಸರೋಜಸ್ಥಿತಾಮ್ ||

Hanuman Bhakt Club

हनुमानजी लंका जाते हैं। वहाँ विभीषण उनको कहते हैं :
सुनहु पवनसुत रहनि हमारी। जिमि दसनन्हि महुँ जीभ बिचारी।।
"हे पवनसुत हनुमान ! हमारी रहनी कैसी है ? जैसे दाँतों के बीच जीभ रहती है, ऐसे रावण और उसके साथियों के बीच मैं अकेला रहता हूँ।
तात कबहुँ मोहि जानि अनाथा। करिहहिं कृपा भानुकुल नाथा।।
मुझ अनाथ को कैसे वे सूर्यवंशी भगवान राम जानेंगे और कैसे सनाथ करेंगे? मेरी भक्ति कैसे फलेगी ? क्योंकि हम कैसे हैं? अब सुनो :
तामस तनु कछु साधन नाहीं। प्रीति न पद सरोज मन माहीं।।
दैत्य लोग (राक्षस योनि) हैं, तामस तन है। भगवान के चरणों में प्रीति नहीं है। जो प्रीतिपूर्वक भजते हैं उन्हें बुद्धियोग मिलता है। हम तामसी लोग प्रीति भी तो नहीं कर सकते लेकिन अब मुझे भरोसा हो रहा है क्योंकि हनुमान ! तुम्हारा दर्शन हुआ है।
अब मोहि भा भरोस हनुमंता। बिनु हरिकृपा मिलहिं नहिं संता ।।
भगवान की मुझ पर कृपा है तभी तुम्हारे जैसे संत मिले हैं।"
हनुमानजी ने एक ही मुलाकात में विभीषण को भी ढाढ़स बँधाया, स्नेहभरी सांत्वना दी और प्रभु की महानता के प्रति अहोभाव से भर दिया। श्री हनुमानजी कहते हैं :
सुनहु विभीषन प्रभु कैरीती। करहिं सदा सेवक पर प्रीती।।
"विभीषणजी सुनो ! तुम बोलते हो हमारा तामस शरीर है। हम दाँतों के बीच रहनेवाली जिह्वा जैसे हैं। हमारा कैसा जीवन है? हम प्रभु को कैसे पा सकते हैं ? तो निराश होने की, घबराने की जरूरत नहीं है, भैया ! भगवान सेवक पर प्रीति करते हैं। फिर सेवक पढ़ा है कि अनपढ़ है, धनी है कि निर्धन है, माई है कि भाई है – यह नहीं देखते। जो कह दे कि 'भगवान ! मैं तेरी शरण हूँ।' बस, प्रभु उसे अपना सेवक मान लेते हैं।
कहहु कवन मैं परम कुलीना। कपि चंचल सबहीं बिधि हीना ।।
अस मैं अधम सखा सुनु मोहू पर रघुबीर ।
मैं कौन-सा कुलीन हूँ ? मुझमें ऐसा कौन-सा गुण है परंतु भगवान के सेवक होने मात्र के भाव से भगवान ने मुझे इतना ऊँचा कार्य दे दिया, ऊँचा पद दे दिया।"
कीन्ही कृपा सुमिरि गुन भरे बिलोचन नीर ।।
भगवान के गुणों का सुमिरन करते-करते हनुमानजी की आँखें भर आती हैं। कैसे उत्तम सेवक हैं हनुमानजी कि जो उनके सम्पर्क में आता है, उसको अपने प्रभु की भक्ति देते-देते स्वयं भी भक्तिभाव से आँखें छलका देते हैं, अपना हृदय उभार लेते हैं।
Sandeep Tripathi
हनुमानजी लंका जाते हैं। वहाँ विभीषण उनको कहते हैं :
सुनहु पवनसुत रहनि हमारी। जिमि दसनन्हि महुँ जीभ बिचारी।।
"हे पवनसुत हनुमान ! हमारी रहनी कैसी है ? जैसे दाँतों के बीच जीभ रहती है, ऐसे रावण और उसके साथियों के बीच मैं अकेला रहता हूँ।
तात कबहुँ मोहि जानि अनाथा। करिहहिं कृपा भानुकुल नाथा।।
मुझ अनाथ को कैसे वे सूर्यवंशी भगवान राम जानेंगे और कैसे सनाथ करेंगे? मेरी भक्ति कैसे फलेगी ? क्योंकि हम कैसे हैं? अब सुनो :
तामस तनु कछु साधन नाहीं। प्रीति न पद सरोज मन माहीं।।
दैत्य लोग (राक्षस योनि) हैं, तामस तन है। भगवान के चरणों में प्रीति नहीं है। जो प्रीतिपूर्वक भजते हैं उन्हें बुद्धियोग मिलता है। हम तामसी लोग प्रीति भी तो नहीं कर सकते लेकिन अब मुझे भरोसा हो रहा है क्योंकि हनुमान ! तुम्हारा दर्शन हुआ है।
अब मोहि भा भरोस हनुमंता। बिनु हरिकृपा मिलहिं नहिं संता ।।
भगवान की मुझ पर कृपा है तभी तुम्हारे जैसे संत मिले हैं।"
हनुमानजी ने एक ही मुलाकात में विभीषण को भी ढाढ़स बँधाया, स्नेहभरी सांत्वना दी और प्रभु की महानता के प्रति अहोभाव से भर दिया। श्री हनुमानजी कहते हैं :
सुनहु विभीषन प्रभु कैरीती। करहिं सदा सेवक पर प्रीती।।
"विभीषणजी सुनो ! तुम बोलते हो हमारा तामस शरीर है। हम दाँतों के बीच रहनेवाली जिह्वा जैसे हैं। हमारा कैसा जीवन है? हम प्रभु को कैसे पा सकते हैं ? तो निराश होने की, घबराने की जरूरत नहीं है, भैया ! भगवान सेवक पर प्रीति करते हैं। फिर सेवक पढ़ा है कि अनपढ़ है, धनी है कि निर्धन है, माई है कि भाई है – यह नहीं देखते। जो कह दे कि 'भगवान ! मैं तेरी शरण हूँ।' बस, प्रभु उसे अपना सेवक मान लेते हैं।
कहहु कवन मैं परम कुलीना। कपि चंचल सबहीं बिधि हीना ।।
अस मैं अधम सखा सुनु मोहू पर रघुबीर ।
मैं कौन-सा कुलीन हूँ ? मुझमें ऐसा कौन-सा गुण है परंतु भगवान के सेवक होने मात्र के भाव से भगवान ने मुझे इतना ऊँचा कार्य दे दिया, ऊँचा पद दे दिया।"
कीन्ही कृपा सुमिरि गुन भरे बिलोचन नीर ।।
भगवान के गुणों का सुमिरन करते-करते हनुमानजी की आँखें भर आती हैं। कैसे उत्तम सेवक हैं हनुमानजी कि जो उनके सम्पर्क में आता है, उसको अपने प्रभु की भक्ति देते-देते स्वयं भी भक्तिभाव से आँखें छलका देते हैं, अपना हृदय उभार लेते हैं।
Sandeep Tripathi


एक बार एक व्यक्ति श्री धाम वृंदावन में दर्शन करने गया. दर्शन करके लौट रहा था. तभी एक संत अपनी कुटिया के बाहर बैठे बड़ा अच्छा पद गा रहे थे कि "हो..नयन हमारे अटके श्री बिहारी जी के चरण कमल में" बार-बार यही गाये जा रहे थे तभी उस व्यक्ति ने जब इतना मीठा पद सुना तो वह आगे न बढ़ सका, और संत के पास बैठकर ही पद सुनने लगा और संत के साथ-साथ गाने लगा.
कुछ देर बाद वह इस पद को गाता-गाता अपने घर गया, और सोचता जा रहा था कि वाह! संत ने बड़ा प्यारा पद गाया.
जब घर पहुँचा तो पद भूल गया अब याद करने लगा कि संत क्या गा रहे थे, बहुत देर याद करने पर भी उसे याद नहीं आ रहा था.
फिर कुछ देर बाद उसने गाया "हो..नयन बिहारी जी के अटके,हमारे चरण कमल में.." उलटा गाने लगा. उसे गाना था नयन हमारे अटके बिहारी जी के चरण कमल में अर्थात बिहारी जी के चरण कमल इतने प्यारे है कि नजर उनके चरणों से हटती ही नहीं है. नयन मानो वही अटक के रह गए है.
पर वो गा रहा था कि बिहारी जी के नयन हमारे चरणों में अटक गए, अब ये पंक्ति उसे इतनी अच्छी लगी कि वह बार-बार बस यही गाये जाता, आँखे बंद है बिहारी के चरण ह्रदय में है और बड़े भाव से गाये जा रहा है. जब उसने ११ बार ये पक्ति गाई, तो क्या देखता है सामने साक्षात् बिहारी जी खड़े है. झट चरणों में गिर पड़ा.
बिहारी जी बोले,"भईया ! एक से बढकर एक भक्त हुए. पर तुम जैसा भक्त मिलना बड़ा मुश्किल है लोगो के नयन तो हमारे चरणों के अटक जाते है पर तुमने तो हमारे ही नयन अपने चरणों में अटका दिए और जब नयन अटक गए तो फिर दर्शन देने कैसे नहीं आता" भगवान बड़े प्रसन्न हो गए.
वास्तव में बिहारी जी ने उसके शब्दों की भाषा सुनी ही नहीं क्योकि बिहारी ही शब्दों की भाषा जानते ही नहीं है वे तो एक ही भाषा जानते है वह है भाव की भाषा,भले ही उस भक्त ने उलटा गाया पर बिहारी जी ने उसके भाव देखे कि वास्तव में ये गाना तो सही चाहता है शब्द उलटे हो गए तो क्या भाव तो कितना उच्च है.सही अर्थो में भगवान तो भक्त के ह्रदय का भाव ही देखते है.
।। बोलिए बाँके बिहारी लाल जी की जय हो ।।
एक बार एक व्यक्ति श्री धाम वृंदावन में दर्शन करने गया. दर्शन करके लौट रहा था. तभी एक संत अपनी कुटिया के बाहर बैठे बड़ा अच्छा पद गा रहे थे कि "हो..नयन हमारे अटके श्री बिहारी जी के चरण कमल में" बार-बार यही गाये जा रहे थे तभी उस व्यक्ति ने जब इतना मीठा पद सुना तो वह आगे न बढ़ सका, और संत के पास बैठकर ही पद सुनने लगा और संत के साथ-साथ गाने लगा.
कुछ देर बाद वह इस पद को गाता-गाता अपने घर गया, और सोचता जा रहा था कि वाह! संत ने बड़ा प्यारा पद गाया.
जब घर पहुँचा तो पद भूल गया अब याद करने लगा कि संत क्या गा रहे थे, बहुत देर याद करने पर भी उसे याद नहीं आ रहा था.
फिर कुछ देर बाद उसने गाया "हो..नयन बिहारी जी के अटके,हमारे चरण कमल में.." उलटा गाने लगा. उसे गाना था नयन हमारे अटके बिहारी जी के चरण कमल में अर्थात बिहारी जी के चरण कमल इतने प्यारे है कि नजर उनके चरणों से हटती ही नहीं है. नयन मानो वही अटक के रह गए है.
पर वो गा रहा था कि बिहारी जी के नयन हमारे चरणों में अटक गए, अब ये पंक्ति उसे इतनी अच्छी लगी कि वह बार-बार बस यही गाये जाता, आँखे बंद है बिहारी के चरण ह्रदय में है और बड़े भाव से गाये जा रहा है. जब उसने ११ बार ये पक्ति गाई, तो क्या देखता है सामने साक्षात् बिहारी जी खड़े है. झट चरणों में गिर पड़ा.
बिहारी जी बोले,"भईया ! एक से बढकर एक भक्त हुए. पर तुम जैसा भक्त मिलना बड़ा मुश्किल है लोगो के नयन तो हमारे चरणों के अटक जाते है पर तुमने तो हमारे ही नयन अपने चरणों में अटका दिए और जब नयन अटक गए तो फिर दर्शन देने कैसे नहीं आता" भगवान बड़े प्रसन्न हो गए.
वास्तव में बिहारी जी ने उसके शब्दों की भाषा सुनी ही नहीं क्योकि बिहारी ही शब्दों की भाषा जानते ही नहीं है वे तो एक ही भाषा जानते है वह है भाव की भाषा,भले ही उस भक्त ने उलटा गाया पर बिहारी जी ने उसके भाव देखे कि वास्तव में ये गाना तो सही चाहता है शब्द उलटे हो गए तो क्या भाव तो कितना उच्च है.सही अर्थो में भगवान तो भक्त के ह्रदय का भाव ही देखते है.
।। बोलिए बाँके बिहारी लाल जी की जय हो ।।