Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Global Organization of Hindus

When man listens, God speaks. When man empties himself, God fills his entire being. When God enters man and fills man’s entire being, man is no more man but becomes the Light Itself. For when this happens, man arises from dualities and emerges into Reality - consciousness. Man arises from the darkness of the slumber of a self-forgetting ignorance into the dazzling light of awakening, into the fullest knowledge-awareness of one’s real essential nature, which is Divine.

When this happens, death becomes a myth to man. Death becomes a non-existent non-entity, conjured up in the imagination of the mind, but having nothing to do with the Atman that is the reality of man. When it is said that the Atman is the reality of man, this is not said in the third person, impersonally. It means that that eternal, imperishable, indestructible Divinity is your reality. I am not addressing hypothetical, academic theoretical man. These words are being said to you who are present here.

Thus, when God fills your being, you awake and arise into the awareness of the stupendous and wonderful fact that death has no meaning—it is a zero, a cipher—for you are beyond death, being unborn. Only one that is unborn can be beyond death, ever liberated from so-called death. For it is declared that for the born death is certain. But the same Divine Teacher who said this also says, “Thou art the unborn, eternal, permanent Spirit, beyond time, ancient. Nothing changes if this body is killed. You are That which nothing can affect or alter, what to say of destroy.”

Thus when you awaken into this awareness and death becomes to you a meaningless myth, then and then alone you are truly yourself. Then and then alone you live in reality, you live in the light of the great truth of your divinity.

May, therefore, this sacred nine-day period when we have been contemplating and pondering the great mysteries of this universe and beyond—the transcendental mysteries of the Cosmic Being and the primal Cosmic Power or Divine Mother—when the mind has been elevated to a higher level of thinking and understanding, a higher level of awareness, may this indeed be the time, this indeed be the hour and moment, when taking advantage of the rising wave of consciousness in the presence of the Divine Mother, your spirit becomes elevated and soars into a higher level and dimension of a greater and truer awareness. Let it be so!

(This article has been reproduced from "Awake! Realise Your Divinity!" by Swami Chidananda)
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