ॐ विष्णुं जिष्णुं महाविष्णुं प्रभविष्णुं महेश्वरम् |
अनेकरूपं दैत्यान्तं नमामि पुरुषोत्तमम् || ||
उन विष्णु को हम वंदन करते हैं जो अजेय हैं , महाविष्णु हैं , महेश्वर है
, सभीके स्वामी हैं , जो असुरों के संहार कर्ता हैं , जिनके अनेक स्वरूप
हैं और जो पुरुषोत्तम हैं +
There is no tinge of material influence in Lord Krishna's energies:
they are transcendental and exist in pure goodness (suddha-sattva).
Sattva, or goodness, is of two kinds: suddha sattva and
misra-sattva (mixed goodness). Everything in the category of
cid-vaibhava is suddha-sattva, or pure goodness. All sattva in the
material nature is mixed, or misra-sattva.
Suddha-sattva is devoid of passion and ignorance. Birth indicates
the mode of passion in action. The eternally existent spiritual
essence, suddha-sattva, has never been touched by birth, which is a
manifestation of passion, nor by annihilation, which occurs in the mode
of ignorance.
As the Supreme Lord's separated parts and
parcels, the jivas (the living entities, who are individual spirit
souls) are originally suddha-sattva, but due to their contact with
nescience they have come under the sway of the material modes of passion
and ignorance, and hence are now in the mixed or misra-sattva category.
Even demigods like Siva, though far superior in many ways to the
ordinary jivas, are nevertheless captivated by the material glare due to
false identification, and so fall in this category of misra-sattva.
The Supreme Lord is always in pure goodness. He descends to this
material world by His inconceivable spiritual potency and is always the
controller of the material nature, maya, who is ever-ready to act as His
--Harinama Cintamani (excerpt from chapter one)--
There is no tinge of material influence in Lord Krishna's energies: they are transcendental and exist in pure goodness (suddha-sattva).
Sattva, or goodness, is of two kinds: suddha sattva and misra-sattva (mixed goodness). Everything in the category of cid-vaibhava is suddha-sattva, or pure goodness. All sattva in the material nature is mixed, or misra-sattva.
Suddha-sattva is devoid of passion and ignorance. Birth indicates the mode of passion in action. The eternally existent spiritual essence, suddha-sattva, has never been touched by birth, which is a manifestation of passion, nor by annihilation, which occurs in the mode of ignorance.
As the Supreme Lord's separated parts and parcels, the jivas (the living entities, who are individual spirit souls) are originally suddha-sattva, but due to their contact with nescience they have come under the sway of the material modes of passion and ignorance, and hence are now in the mixed or misra-sattva category. Even demigods like Siva, though far superior in many ways to the ordinary jivas, are nevertheless captivated by the material glare due to false identification, and so fall in this category of misra-sattva.
The Supreme Lord is always in pure goodness. He descends to this material world by His inconceivable spiritual potency and is always the controller of the material nature, maya, who is ever-ready to act as His maidservant.
--Harinama Cintamani (excerpt from chapter one)--
There is no tinge of material influence in Lord Krishna's energies: they are transcendental and exist in pure goodness (suddha-sattva).
Sattva, or goodness, is of two kinds: suddha sattva and misra-sattva (mixed goodness). Everything in the category of cid-vaibhava is suddha-sattva, or pure goodness. All sattva in the material nature is mixed, or misra-sattva.
Suddha-sattva is devoid of passion and ignorance. Birth indicates the mode of passion in action. The eternally existent spiritual essence, suddha-sattva, has never been touched by birth, which is a manifestation of passion, nor by annihilation, which occurs in the mode of ignorance.
As the Supreme Lord's separated parts and parcels, the jivas (the living entities, who are individual spirit souls) are originally suddha-sattva, but due to their contact with nescience they have come under the sway of the material modes of passion and ignorance, and hence are now in the mixed or misra-sattva category. Even demigods like Siva, though far superior in many ways to the ordinary jivas, are nevertheless captivated by the material glare due to false identification, and so fall in this category of misra-sattva.
The Supreme Lord is always in pure goodness. He descends to this material world by His inconceivable spiritual potency and is always the controller of the material nature, maya, who is ever-ready to act as His maidservant.
--Harinama Cintamani (excerpt from chapter one)--
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