Mercury shivalinga holds immense position in Hindu mythology, believed to possess the power of 12 Jyotirlingas.
Mercury is considered the seed of Lord Shiva and in Ayurveda it is a
flowing metalloid (fluid metal). There are 16 religious ceremonies to
cleanse and harden mercury in chemistry. On account of being Lord
Shiva`s seed it is Lord Shiva - Incarnate.
"Ras Lingam Mahalingam Shiva Shakti Niketanam. Lingam Shivalayam
proktam Sidhim wa Sarvadehinaam."-- The centre of Lord Shiva and Shakti
are the Mercury Shiva Lingas known as Rasa lingas and are rare even for
the gods to find.
In Indian cultural heritage, Mercury Shivaling holds a substantial position. It is written in Sarvadarshana Sangrah-
"Abhrakm tav beejurn tu mum beejurn to pardaha Baddho paardo lingo yam
mritu daridrya nashnum"--Lord Shankar himself says to Bhagwati that the
man who hardens Mercury in Linga and worships it, poverty would never
enter his house and he would never dread death during his entire life.
Vidhay ras lingam yo bhakti yukta samarchwet Jagatray linganam pooja
phalam mapnuyat Lingnam koti sahastrasya yatphalam samyagarchnat
Tatphalam koti gunitam raslingam archanabhavet"--A man can achieve a
thousand times superior blessing by worshiping a Shiva Linga, in case he
venerates a Rasa Shivalinga or Parad (Mercury) Shiva Linga.
"Dharmarth kaam mokshakhya purusharth chaturvidya siddhayanti natra sandeho ras raj prasadtaha"
"Swayambhu lingam sahastra yatphalam samyagarchnat Tat phalam koti gunitam ras lingarchna bhavet"
There are four aims in human life - religion, health, desire and
salvation. These can be satiated by worshiping the Mercury Linga and the
worshiper of Lord Shiva receives uncountable amount of virtues.
It is stated in Brahma Purana that he who worships Mercury Shivaling
with utmost devotion, irrespective of male or female, Brahmin,
Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, earns total materialistic pleasures, and
lastly reaches supreme destination (redemption). During a mortal`s
lifetime, they achieve magnificence, respect, high office, name and
fame, sons, grandsons and excellence in learning. And, after all these
perishable achievements, they attain redemption at last.
virtue one receives by seeing the twelve Jyotirlingas is received merely
by looking at one Mercury Shivalinga. The opportunity to look at it is
possible only when the worshiper`s moralities of previous births become
By worshiping Mercury Shivalingas, the worshiper
receives the yields which are attained only by worshiping Shivalingas
which are situated in three Lokas (celestial worlds).
Mercury Shivalinga, also called `Raseshwar Shivalinga`, possesses the
greatest consequence from many view points, like religious and
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