When he was created man was given the power of
discrimination and he was given a good intellect. These should help him to set
his thoughts on the Brahman. After so many births, far inferior to the human
status, after passing through the worm state and then reptile state and then
animal state, man is granted the privilege of having a human form and a human
mind and a human intellect. Why? So that he can use them properly. This body
should be kept alive very carefully for but one purpose: to attain salvation
because that is the only reason why we are given this form.
Live in the world of men without being attached to anyone or
anything. Set your thoughts on me (Krishna).
Act in the world without any desire to please yourself.
Concentration is essential if one desire to attain one-ness
with the Paramatman.
Srimad Bhagavad Purana
Anger comes from desire and has many unpleasant
consequences. When what we ardently desire remains out of reach, we are angry
with those around us. We are sometimes angry with ourselves, or even with God.
We take it out on anyone who is unfortunate to come into contact with us at the
Our words and gestures indicate how angry we are, and our
anger is evident even in our eyes and the way in which our lips twitch. Thus we
reveal our agitated frame of mind.
Once the anger has passed, we may forget the words we used
to abuse others, but the recipient of the abuse remembers and remains hurt.
The consequences of
anger are long lasting.
It takes us just a second to throw a stone into a bucket of
water, but the ripples that this sets off, take awhile to settle. In the same
way, it is easy to lose one’s temper in a second, but the consequences last for
a long time.
How do we control
This takes practice. If we give ourselves time, any angry
feeling that we have, will eventually subside. Once this stage is crossed, we
will, in course of time, learn not to react angrily, no matter what the
If someone insults us, we must introspect, and see if we
deserve his censure. If we do, then we must correct ourselves. If we do not
deserve his scolding, then we should ignore his words. If we have been wrongly
accused, then once the abuser realizes this, he will be sorry for his words,
and will develop respect for us.
If we have hurt someone, we should not feel ashamed to
apologies. Control of anger, thus, is the first step in the attempt at
spiritual progress.
Source – the Hindu
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