His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ
cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ
I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who with the torchlight of knowledge has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance.
Those who are scholars, philosophers, scientists, religionists and educated, may read the English version of SRIMAD BHAGWATAM by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami with particular attention to the purports appended with each and every verse.
They have appreciated the publication as follows:—
"At a time when not only the people of India but those of the west need the chastening quality of love and truth in a corrupting atmosphere of hate and hypocrisy, a work like this will have uplifting and corrective influence. What is God? He is truth, He is love. Even an atheist must accept the supremacy of those qualities and how much they are needed by the people of the world who have been tought to deny God and these qualities, do not require much emphasis."
"The author has attempted a tremendous task...A perusal will give us in the sample measure a knowledge of the original. The essence of Śrīmad Bhagwatam is the exposition of the Absolute Truth, we would recommend this book."
"The editor's vast and deep study of the subject and critical insight are reflected in these notes and."
"We have no doubt that with the publication of these volumes the rightful interpretations of the Bhagwatam, which has been the gift of Sri Chaitanya and His Goswami followers, has now been available to the English knowing world for the first time."
"The elaborate method is very helpful to the ardent student of Bhagwatam who lack in Sanskrit language. It is admitted in all hands that Bhagwatam is the most difficult text amongst the puranas. The author richly deserve the gratitude of the devotees for his pious learned labour of love."
"These volumes speak very highly of Swamiji's scholarship and specially of his love of cultural pursuits, when we look into the enormous labour and sacrifice in producing them single-handed and that too, at ripe old age of 68. We earnestly pray to the Almighty that He may spare Swamiji for all the years he may require to finish the Magnum opus of 60 volumes, and earn the love and gratitude of his fellowmen in pursuit of Divine Love and Grace, nay of the entire humanity."
"You have done a first class work and you desire the hearty commendations of every Indian every Hindu. Your deep and penetrating study of the subject and your philosophic insight are reflected in this book." etc. etc.
—Essays and Articles, 26 (quote)
Those who are scholars, philosophers, scientists, religionists and educated, may read the English version of SRIMAD BHAGWATAM by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami with particular attention to the purports appended with each and every verse.
They have appreciated the publication as follows:—
"At a time when not only the people of India but those of the west need the chastening quality of love and truth in a corrupting atmosphere of hate and hypocrisy, a work like this will have uplifting and corrective influence. What is God? He is truth, He is love. Even an atheist must accept the supremacy of those qualities and how much they are needed by the people of the world who have been tought to deny God and these qualities, do not require much emphasis."
"The author has attempted a tremendous task...A perusal will give us in the sample measure a knowledge of the original. The essence of Śrīmad Bhagwatam is the exposition of the Absolute Truth, we would recommend this book."
"The editor's vast and deep study of the subject and critical insight are reflected in these notes and."
"We have no doubt that with the publication of these volumes the rightful interpretations of the Bhagwatam, which has been the gift of Sri Chaitanya and His Goswami followers, has now been available to the English knowing world for the first time."
"The elaborate method is very helpful to the ardent student of Bhagwatam who lack in Sanskrit language. It is admitted in all hands that Bhagwatam is the most difficult text amongst the puranas. The author richly deserve the gratitude of the devotees for his pious learned labour of love."
"These volumes speak very highly of Swamiji's scholarship and specially of his love of cultural pursuits, when we look into the enormous labour and sacrifice in producing them single-handed and that too, at ripe old age of 68. We earnestly pray to the Almighty that He may spare Swamiji for all the years he may require to finish the Magnum opus of 60 volumes, and earn the love and gratitude of his fellowmen in pursuit of Divine Love and Grace, nay of the entire humanity."
"You have done a first class work and you desire the hearty commendations of every Indian every Hindu. Your deep and penetrating study of the subject and your philosophic insight are reflected in this book." etc. etc.
—Essays and Articles, 26 (quote)
The devotees of the
Lord are called akiñcanas because they have practically no material assets.
Such material assets are all products of the three modes of material nature.
They foil spiritual energy, and thus the less we possess such products of
material nature, the more we have a good chance for spiritual progress.