Krishna and Bhagavad Gita · 59,481 like this.
about an hour ago · Edited · Pic sent by Ud Kapali.
Both egg and milk comes from animal body only. Then, why milk is allowed, but egg is not allowed?
(As this question seems to be connected with yesterday’s counselling, I answer immediately as you can have a continuity in reading.)
“Sailesh Kumar” asked like this:
“sir. i joind this group recently n read today counseling. u said we can drink milk, but egg not allowd. why. both egg n milk comes frm animals only. why this discremination? so, i think egg is also vegetarian. pl clarify.”
Interesting Question. But, there are major differences between an egg and milk.
Milk is a product created by Krishna exclusively for drinking purposes. There is no other purpose for milk. It is a natural health drink that contains all the required ingredients. If you do not draw milk from the body regularly, the woman or cow will die as many diseases will come like even breast cancer in due course of time. So, the milk MUST BE taken out of the body. If we draw milk from mother’s body or cow’s body, we are in fact helping the mother or cow. So, drawing milk from mother/ cow is a good and necessary act and that milk is produced daily JUST TO CONSUME, not to waste.
It is the wonderful and delicious product given for us by Krishna. It has Calcium and Vitamin-D for bones, B-Group Vitamins for intelligence and healthy brain, Protein for growth and many minerals for a healthy body. Just by drinking mother’s milk throughout the day, a child grows for 7-8 months till it is fed solid food. So, milk is a food.
Now let us come to egg. EGG - the name itself shows that it is the REPRODUCTIVE PRODUCT, NOT A FOOD PRODUCT.
EGG means WOMEN REPRODUCTIVE PRODUCT produced by women’s body every month and hence, it has some ingredients inside that can produce a new baby when it receives a sperm cell from male. So, egg is for REPRODUCTIVE PURPOSE, not for food purpose. When the egg produced in a woman’s body does not receive any sperm to connect and fertilise in any month, after 26-28 days, that egg is sent out of the woman’s body in broken state that is called menstruation, ie, monthly periods, ie, a waste product. Similarly, hens produce eggs and and sends out that egg periodically. So, this hen’s egg is considered as the menstruation of that hen.
Now, tell me, are milk and egg same? A person can drink his mother’s milk. But, how can the menstruation be a consumable product? So, why should we compromise our standing by eating the menstruation of a hen? why should we proudly eat egg products like omlette, Half Boil, egg roast, egg dosa, egg briyani, egg barotta, etc, etc...? They are roasting the menstruation of hen and eat..
Doesn’t it seem nonsense? Why do you compare this waste product with an essential food milk? Milk is suitable from baby to old man. Mother’s milk is available till we are 2-3 years old. But, after our age 3, cow becomes our mother feeding milk for us. Because, cow’s milk is suitable for humans also.
Only thing we have to keep in mind while drawing milk from cow is, first feed the calf to its full requirement and then draw milk from cow for us. Without allowing the calf to drink milk from its mother, we should not draw milk.
Now do you understand that egg is given by Lord for REPRODUCTION ONLY and if not fertilised, it is a waste product (menstruation), but, milk is an essential product given by Lord for consumption only?
That is why milk, being a food product, is vegetarian though comes out of animal’s body, but, egg is non-vegetarian and in fact, not for eating purposes. If you say milk is non vegetarian, our mother's milk should also be non vegetarian. Who will accept this?
So, happily consume milk and forget eggs. Nothing lost. Hare Krishna. Krishna, Thanks for giving me patience to explain these things.
There is a speciality for milk. If you honour only prasadam daily and do not eat outside, there is an excemption for milk and fruits. You can get milk from others -even from shops- and drink it. This relaxation is given only for milk and fruits that can be bought and eat even from non-devotees. Remember, not coffee, but, milk only.
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