Monday 27 January 2014


Therefore, at all times remember me only and fight. With mind and intellect fixed (or absorbed) in me, thou shalt doubtless come to me alone.
With the mind not moving towards any other thing, made steadfast by the method of habitual meditation, and constantly meditating (on the divine, one goes to the supreme person, the resplendent, Oh Arjuna.

This is the yoga of the Bhagavad Gita, which will, with guaranteed certainty, lead us to the Lord. It is buddhi yoga (the yoga of understanding); not confined to any yoga practices such as asanas, pranayama, concentration and meditation - though these are not excluded, looked down upon or discouraged. The yogi must acquire, by diligent cultivation, what my Master Swami Sivananda called "double consciousness." He must be able to realize the crystalline nature of the self, and also perceive all activity as being sustained by the modes of the gunas (the divine nature). Realizing that he is the immortal self or atman, he must behold the ever-active nature of God of which, the self is but a silent, non-participant witness. The self, being non-different from the infinite, ceases to interfere in this shadow-play of nature on the "silver screen" of God.
Established in this realization, contemplation of the omnipresent God is not contradicted by activity. The yogi does not shy away from what must be done. With body and mind he works in this world doing his every duty flawlessly and efficiently. Only, in his heart, like and dislikes, fear, pleasure and pain are absent. His inner being stands aside, ever vigilant yet uninvolved, in constant remembrance of God. This is "continuous meditation," or "contemplative dynamism," - the innermost teaching of the Bhagavad Gita. There is no suppression or repression, but a whole-souled participation in the divine will without the least tinge of egoism. Hence, the yogi is never drawn towards the objects, though he moves amidst them. He lives in God.

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Repetition of ‘Mantra’ takes one to the pure ‘I am’ state or ‘Sattva Guna’ and from there one merges into the source of all bliss, and then, all knowledge that you possess is laid down or surrendered and you merge with the Absolute beyond all name and form.

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