Surya namaskar and benefits of Surya Namaskar were shared in satsang.
Surya namaskar and benefits of Surya Namaskar were shared in satsang.
A. It improves the blood circulation of all the important organs of the body.
B. Improves the functioning of the heart and lungs.
C. Strengthens the muscles of the arms and waist.
D. Makes the spine and waist more flexible.
E. Helps in reducing the fat around the abdomen and thus reduces weight.
F. Improves digestion.
G. Improves concentration power.
Importance and Benefits of #SuryaNamaskar is shared in Sanskrut as follows:-
आदित्यस्य नमस्कारं ये कुर्वन्ति दिने दिने ।
जन्मान्तरसहस्रेषु दारिद्र्यं नोपजायते ।।
Meaning : It is said that the person who does Surya Namaskar is untouched by poverty for his thousand lifetimes.
Next topic of discussion was learning from Mistakes.
One child said that she does not recognize her mistake during the day and guidance was given in such cases we can ask help from parents to make you aware of mistakes and they will surely help us. Another child told that he pushes and pulls sister. Another child attending the satsang shared with him that we should treat people in a way that we expect people to treat us. We can keep this in mind and behave nicely with others. In Hindu Dharma, it is said that one should always be respectful. When we get a thought to push/pull one should become aware walk in the next room, chant for sometime, calm down so that action of pushing will not happen. Also one can take the help of Auto Suggestion which is technique to train your mind to handle such situation.
One child shared a mistake of repeatedly asking for play time when it was time for Children Satsang.
Correct perspective was shared that we can play at any other time but Bal - Sanskar Varg is only once a week. Through satsang we learn about righteousness about Hindu Dharma so it is very important to have gratitude bhav for Bal - Sanskar Varg in this Raja-tama environment in kaliyug (apatkal). We receive Chaitanya in Bal - Sanskar Varg whereas only playing for fun does not help like satsang.
Children shared action point to learn Surya Namaskar in coming week and share in next satsang.
Join Hinduism Education Satsang For Children for encouraging Hindu children to understand and live Hinduism by providing them step by step explanation of Hindu rituals, festivals and spiritual practice every Thursday at 8:00 PM EST via phone conference. To register go to
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