Thursday, 29 August 2013

Spiritual Science Research Foundation

The spiritually evolved are known to require less food, less sleep and begin to emit an aura of radiance. What is the spiritual science behind this?

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To understand this, one first needs to know about the three basic subtle components which make up the Universe. They are sattva (spiritual purity), raja (action), and tama (ignorance). These components are subtle in nature and everything in the Universe is composed of a combination of these three subtle components. This even includes the 5 Cosmic Elements.

These five Cosmic Elements are the Absolute Earth (Pruthvītattva), Absolute Water (Āpatattva), Absolute Fire (Tējtattva), Absolute Air (Vāyutattva) and Absolute Ether (Ākāshtattva) principles.

Sattva is the most subtle and intangible component. The Cosmic elements range from gross to subtle in the following manner; Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether being the most subtle and most sattvik. Earth is composed mostly of the tama component however. The subtle basic Tama component limits existence, whereas the subtle basic Sattva component makes it expansive. This explains why the Absolute Earth Principle is the most inferior among the five Cosmic Elements. It also explains why the Absolute Ether Principle is the most subtle and sattvik and thus the most powerful.

Humans are composed predominantly of the Absolute Earth and Absolute Water Principle which are the more gross elements. As an individual starts evolving spiritually however he or she starts functioning at progressively more subtle levels, like the Absolute Fire Principle, Absolute Air Principle, etc. Hence with spiritual practice, one begins to go from gross to subtle and subtle requires less gross needs such as food, physical rest and then auras which are subtle in nature begin to emit from the spiritually evolved.

For more interesting facts on spiritual science please visit:

#Spirituality #CosmicElements #Universe #Knowledge #Enlightenment#SelfAwareness #Consciousness #Truth
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