What is sixth sense?
Sixth sense, or subtle perception ability, is our ability to perceive the subtle dimension or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, heaven, etc. It also includes our ability to understand the subtle cause and effect relationship behind many events, which is beyond the understanding of the intellect. Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with sixth sense or subtle perception ability. Throughout this website we use the words sixth sense, ESP and subtle perception ability interchangeably. Factors that decide which person receives knowledge through the subtle intellect: There is a combination of factors that goes into deciding which person receives knowledge from the subtle. The spiritual level of a person is one of the key factors in deciding which person receives knowledge from the subtle. Besides the spiritual level, the factors that decide the acquiring of higher spiritual experiences, like the receipt of knowledge are: • Motivation and intense yearning of the person • Necessity for God’s mission • Resolve and blessings of the Guru (a spiritual master and guide beyond the 70% spiritual level) • Destiny of the person It should be noted that if a person at a higher spiritual level is interested in acquiring knowledge of an inferior nature, for instance concerns about day-to-day happenings on Earth, even though he is capable of receiving knowledge from higher-level subtle bodies, he would receive such knowledge through lower level subtle bodies. In contrast, if a person at a comparatively lower spiritual level, e.g. 50%, has a deep motivation to learn the higher principles of spiritual sciences, he will receive knowledge from higher subtle bodies or subtle bodies from higher regions, especially if blessed by the Guru. Misuse of the sixth sense (ESP) Sixth sense is to be used only for spiritual growth towards God-realisation, the ultimate in spiritual growth. From a pure spiritual perspective, it is considered misuse when sixth sense is used for anything else, such as worldly matters. In other words, if a psychic uses his psychic ability to find out if a person is going to get married or get a job, it is considered misuse from a spiritual perspective. When sixth sense (ESP) is misused by a person who is psychic, over time two things happen: 1. They lose their ability. This generally happens over a 30 year period. 2. They become targets for sorcerers of higher spiritual strength. Sorcerers initially give some genuine information, enough to gain the confidence of the person. However, they later mislead them and the people they are guiding. In such cases, their psychic ability lasts for longer periods and may in fact appear to have improved steadily. But this psychic ability is not by virtue of the person but because of the sorcerer who is guiding the psychic. In such cases, the rare gift of sixth sense available to the person that could have been utilised for God-realisation is wasted on lesser matters. |
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