Tuesday, 19 February 2013

How to sing Arti in spiritually correct way?

How to sing Arti in spiritually correct way?

Author: shoumik das /


After blowing the conch, the Arti should be sung. There are certain factors which are necessary to perform an Arti and thereby increase the bhav (spiritual emotion) and sattvikta.

Spiritual emotion of the one singing the Arti

The Arti should be sung with the bhav that 'God Himself is standing in front and I am calling out to Him earnestly'.

The more the bhav one has while singing the Arti for God, the more enriched with bhav and sattva predominant the Arti will become. Such an Arti will reach the Lord faster. Individuals singing an Arti in this manner benefit as follows: The greater the collective bhav of the group singing the Arti, greater is the extent and period of preservation of the frequencies of Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) of Deities in the environment. This leads to a reduction in the distress from negative energies and gaining the benefit of Chaitanya. Every embodied soul should make an effort to perform the Arti with bhav. Also as a covering is formed on the ground by these sattva predominant vibrations (which stops the transmission of distressing frequencies from the Negative subtle regions), the worshipper's embodied soul benefits most from the Chaitanya. Thus during the Arti the worshipper's gross and subtle bodies get purified and results in his faster spiritual evolution. (Divine knowledge received through the medium of Ms Anjali Gadgil, 5.6.2005, 6.33 pm)

All of us do not necessarily have a good level of bhav. To enable even those having low bhav to perform Arti with increased bhav, Sanatan Sanstha has produced an audio cassette and CD in Marathi called 'Collection of Artis and Omkar sadhana'. The collection includes regular Artis of Lord Ganapati, Lord Shiva, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Datta, Maruti and Goddess Durga. These Artis have been sung by Ms Anjali Gadgil, a seeker of Sanatan Sanstha who has a high level of bhav, and other seekers. The Artis are enriched with bhav, sattvikta and Chaitanya. According to the spiritual principle that 'word, touch, form, taste, odour and the energy related to them, all coexist', if worshippers sing the Artis in the manner sung by these seekers with bhav, then it will help awaken bhav in them too at a faster pace.

Pronunciation and the technique of singing

Pronun-ciation while singing Arti should be correct as per the science of Spirituality. The sattvikta and Chaitanya generated from the words in the Arti depends on its pronunciation, speed of singing and also pronouncing the words either together or separately. To illustrate how the sattva component gets affected an example is given here: A line in Lord Krishna's Arti is as follows - Dhwajavajrankush bridacha todar.
This can be sung in two ways.
Method 1: Here 'da' in the word 'bridacha' is stretched.

Method 2: (Dhwajavajrankush bridacha todar)

Here 'cha' in the word 'bridacha' is stretched.

By uttering the word 'bridacha' in an even tone without any change in rhythm, the sattva component generated is 100 percent. However when singing the Arti, since there is the restriction of the rhythm, one has to sing it by stretching a specific alphabet in a word. When it is uttered as in method 1, 80 percent of sattvikta is generated from it. When uttered by method 2 only 60 percent sattva component is generated .This illustrates the importance of correct pronunciation of every word in any song. Only if the pronunciation is correct can one awaken bhav in a word. If an alphabet in the middle of a word is stretched then the last alphabet in the word has the capacity to bind the sound frequencies created by prolonging the middle alphabet. That is how words generate more Chaitanya, which lasts longer too. In contrast, if the last alphabet in a word is prolonged, then as there is no alphabet after it, the sound frequencies created are not held together. Instead, they disperse into the atmosphere immediately. The Chaitanya in such words lasts only for a moment and one does not derive the desired benefit from the sattva component in it. That is why it is beneficial to prolong the middle alphabet than the last one in a word. In the advanced stage of spiritual progress, singing a song in an even tone bestows more inner bliss and serenity than singing a song with rhythmic changes. (Divine knowledge received through the medium of Ms Anjali Gadgil, 19.1.2004, 10.59 am) (The audio-cassette and CD - 'Collection of Artis and Omkar sadhana' produced by Sanatan Sanstha will be very useful in learning how to pronounce the words. It is also beneficial to learn the manner in which some of the regular Artis should be sung so that they become sattva predominant.)

Singing the Arti after understanding their meaning

The Artis should be sung after understanding their meaning. Most of the Artis have been composed by Saints and evolved devotees; at times, it is difficult to understand the meaning of such Artis. Singing the Arti after understanding their meaning helps in an early awakening of bhav towards Deities.

(When the bhav of a worshipper is awakened, he is able to imbibe the Chaitanya emanating from Supreme God. Consequently the enthusiasm increases. - Compilers)

(Ref:  Sanatan's Publication - 'How to Offer an Arti')

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