Saturday, 26 January 2013




It is an almost impossible venture to succeed in obtaining even a glimpse of Bhagavan Siva. The highest classes of Sages have to strain most considerably even to succeed reaching Devalokas, let alone the Brahma Loka, Vishnu Loka and least... of all the Siva Loka. While ‘Tapas’ is the only means to achieve the Superior Lokas, Devas or high category ‘Sanyasins’ or pure Brahmacharis might perhaps follow the ‘Satvik Guna’ or Undiluted Virtue. Normally Devas and humans resort to Rajasika Guna or passion or devotion desirous invariably of fulfillment of material desires, or for Yoga and knowledge.

Tamasika Guna is out of ignorance, revenge or personal aggrandisement normally resorted by Danavas or human beings with the qualities of Danavas. When it is stated that Danavas receive boons from Brahma or Siva, it is an illusion and the so called boons granted to the recipients who possess only evil motivations are guises to temporary gains and ultimate destruction to the receivers thus serving as warnings to posterity.

Indeed, Satvika type of worship comprises virtuous ways of thinking, external and internal cleanliness, puja, japa, homa, shaucha, ahimsa or non violence, tapas, vrata, upavasa charya or fasting, ‘mouna’ or observance of silence, ‘indriya nirodha’ or control of physical parts, buddhi (mental balance), satya or truth, vidya ( knowledge or enlightenment), akrodha (calmness), dana or charity, shanta or peacefulness, daya bhava or sympathy, performing or involvement in public utility jobs like construction of water bodies, gardens, temples and schools and hospitals, yagnas, tirtha yathras or pilgrimages, ashram nivas or modest living, observance of daily dhyanas or meditation, yoga practice by way of ‘Pranayama’ or through air control of Rechaka, Puraka and Kumbhaka, Pratyahara, attainment of eight siddhas viz. Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Garima, Prapti, Prakasyam, Isitham and Vasitam; Sadhana or Endeavors of three types of ‘Avasthas’ viz. Kashtavastha, Mritavastha and Haritha Avastha; avoidance of Rajaiswarya Vibhutis viz. Nari ( Woman), Shayya ( comfortable bed), Pana (drink), Vastra (dresses), Dhoopa(scented air), Lepam ( sandal paste), and tamboola bhakshanam ( chewing betel leaves and nuts); and bhoga swarupas ( forms of luxury) viz. gold and jewellery, residence, cows, singing, music, dance, musical instruments like veena, mridanga and other percussions; elephants and horses, chariots, umbrellas, hand fans and so on. Such is the ideal way of life which a human being needs to practise with utmost care to qualify for reaching the path to Sivaloka. Indeed this endeavor is not out of the realm of possibility to a human being, as the birth of a human is an excellent opportunity that could be utilised optimally.
Manushamcha samasadya Swarga Moksha Prasadhanam /
Na charatyamanah shreyah sa mrutaha sochatey chiram
(Those who are unable to avail the human body which is difficult to secure and is a good prospect to obtain Swarga (Heaven) and Moksha (Salvation) would regret for long and cry at the missed opportunity).

Samprapya dharmato Vyasa tat yatnadanupalayet/
Dharma mulam hi manushyam labdhava Sarvardha Sadhakam/
yadi labhya yatnah samuulam rakshotsvya tatha manushopi cha viprasyam yah prapya khalusadhanam
(There cannot be a bigger stupidity, if a human being does not practise virtue which is the root of what all one could achieve, especially if he were born as a Brahmana, a most coveted birth that one could opt for).
It is said that among the Sapta Dwipas or Seven Great Islands in the entire Earth, Bharat Desa is supposed to the best ‘Karma bhumi’ or the Country of Virtuous Action. Having been born into such an enviable Country, if one fails to make be the best, then he is as good as lost his Soul! be continued

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It is an almost impossible venture to succeed in obtaining even a glimpse of Bhagavan Siva. The highest classes of Sages have to strain most considerably even to succeed reaching Devalokas, let alone the Brahma Loka, Vishnu Loka and least... of all the Siva Loka. While ‘Tapas’ is the only means to achieve the Superior Lokas, Devas or high category ‘Sanyasins’ or pure Brahmacharis might perhaps follow the ‘Satvik Guna’ or Undiluted Virtue. Normally Devas and humans resort to Rajasika Guna or passion or devotion desirous invariably of fulfillment of material desires, or for Yoga and knowledge.

Tamasika Guna is out of ignorance, revenge or personal aggrandisement normally resorted by Danavas or human beings with the qualities of Danavas. When it is stated that Danavas receive boons from Brahma or Siva, it is an illusion and the so called boons granted to the recipients who possess only evil motivations are guises to temporary gains and ultimate destruction to the receivers thus serving as warnings to posterity.

Indeed, Satvika type of worship comprises virtuous ways of thinking, external and internal cleanliness, puja, japa, homa, shaucha, ahimsa or non violence, tapas, vrata, upavasa charya or fasting, ‘mouna’ or observance of silence, ‘indriya nirodha’ or control of physical parts, buddhi (mental balance), satya or truth, vidya ( knowledge or enlightenment), akrodha (calmness), dana or charity, shanta or peacefulness, daya bhava or sympathy, performing or involvement in public utility jobs like construction of water bodies, gardens, temples and schools and hospitals, yagnas, tirtha yathras or pilgrimages, ashram nivas or modest living, observance of daily dhyanas or meditation, yoga practice by way of ‘Pranayama’ or through air control of Rechaka, Puraka and Kumbhaka, Pratyahara, attainment of eight siddhas viz. Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Garima, Prapti, Prakasyam, Isitham and Vasitam; Sadhana or Endeavors of three types of ‘Avasthas’ viz. Kashtavastha, Mritavastha and Haritha Avastha; avoidance of Rajaiswarya Vibhutis viz. Nari ( Woman), Shayya ( comfortable bed), Pana (drink), Vastra (dresses), Dhoopa(scented air), Lepam ( sandal paste), and tamboola bhakshanam ( chewing betel leaves and nuts); and bhoga swarupas ( forms of luxury) viz. gold and jewellery, residence, cows, singing, music, dance, musical instruments like veena, mridanga and other percussions; elephants and horses, chariots, umbrellas, hand fans and so on. Such is the ideal way of life which a human being needs to practise with utmost care to qualify for reaching the path to Sivaloka. Indeed this endeavor is not out of the realm of possibility to a human being, as the birth of a human is an excellent opportunity that could be utilised optimally.
Manushamcha samasadya Swarga Moksha Prasadhanam /
Na charatyamanah shreyah sa mrutaha sochatey chiram
(Those who are unable to avail the human body which is difficult to secure and is a good prospect to obtain Swarga (Heaven) and Moksha (Salvation) would regret for long and cry at the missed opportunity).

Samprapya dharmato Vyasa tat yatnadanupalayet/
Dharma mulam hi manushyam labdhava Sarvardha Sadhakam/
yadi labhya yatnah samuulam rakshotsvya tatha manushopi cha viprasyam yah prapya khalusadhanam
(There cannot be a bigger stupidity, if a human being does not practise virtue which is the root of what all one could achieve, especially if he were born as a Brahmana, a most coveted birth that one could opt for).
It is said that among the Sapta Dwipas or Seven Great Islands in the entire Earth, Bharat Desa is supposed to the best ‘Karma bhumi’ or the Country of Virtuous Action. Having been born into such an enviable Country, if one fails to make be the best, then he is as good as lost his Soul! be continued

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